Excogitate meaning in Urdu
Excogitate Sentences
Excogitate Synonyms
Excogitate Definitions
1 of 2) Excogitate, Contrive, Devise, Forge, Formulate, Invent : ایجاد کرنا, مرتب کرنا : (verb) come up with (an idea, plan, explanation, theory, or principle) after a mental effort.
2 of 2) Excogitate, Chew Over, Contemplate, Meditate, Mull, Mull Over, Muse, Ponder, Reflect, Ruminate, Speculate, Think Over : غور کرنا, تدبر کرنا, سوچنا : (verb) reflect deeply on a subject.
Useful Words
Concert : باہمی اتفاق سے منصوبہ بنانا , Contrive : سازش کرنا , Conceptualisation : تصور میں لانا , Guideline : منصوبہ , Authorship : تالیف , Absorption : پوری توجہ , Exert : جدو جہد کرنا , Difficult : کٹھن , Recall : یاد آنا , Accomplice : ساتھی , Hot-Work : گرم لوہے کو موڑنا , Concoct : ایجاد کرنا , Arduous : کٹھن , Effortlessly : بنا کسی دقت کے , Account For : وجہ سے , Interpret : تشریح کرنا , Disappear : بغیر بتائے غائب ہونا , Interpretation : تشریح , Interpretation : وضاحت , Accounting : حساب داری , Demonstrate : ظاہر کرنا , Challenge : اعتراض , Account : توجیح پیش کرنا , Justification : جواز , Definition : وضاحت , Conceive : تصور کرنا , Experiment : آزمائش , Claim : دعوی کرنا , Suggestion : تجویز , Avatar : اوتار , Belief : خیال
Useful Words Definitions
Concert: contrive (a plan) by mutual agreement.
Contrive: make or work out a plan for; devise.
Conceptualisation: inventing or contriving an idea or explanation and formulating it mentally.
Guideline: a detailed plan or explanation to guide you in setting standards or determining a course of action.
Authorship: the act of initiating a new idea or theory or writing.
Absorption: complete attention; intense mental effort.
Exert: make a great effort at a mental or physical task.
Difficult: not easy; requiring great physical or mental effort to accomplish or comprehend or endure.
Recall: the process of remembering (especially the process of recovering information by mental effort).
Accomplice: a person who joins with another in carrying out some plan (especially an unethical or illegal plan).
Hot-Work: roll, press, forge, or shape (metal) while hot.
Concoct: devise or invent.
Arduous: characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion; especially physical effort.
Effortlessly: without effort or apparent effort.
Account For: be the reason or explanation for.
Interpret: give an interpretation or explanation to.
Disappear: get lost, as without warning or explanation.
Interpretation: an explanation of something that is not immediately obvious.
Interpretation: an explanation that results from interpreting something.
Accounting: a convincing explanation that reveals basic causes.
Demonstrate: establish the validity of something, as by an example, explanation or experiment.
Challenge: questioning a statement and demanding an explanation.
Account: furnish a justifying analysis or explanation.
Justification: a statement in explanation of some action or belief.
Definition: a concise explanation of the meaning of a word or phrase or symbol.
Conceive: have the idea for.
Experiment: the testing of an idea.
Claim: lay claim to; as of an idea.
Suggestion: an idea that is suggested.
Avatar: a new personification of a familiar idea.
Belief: a vague idea in which some confidence is placed.
Related Words
Cerebrate : سوچنا , Premeditate : پہلے سے غور کرنا , Theologise : دینیات کا رنگ چڑھا دینا , Introspect : اپنے احساسات و خیالات کا امتحان لینا , Bethink : غوروفکر کرنا , Cogitate : غور و فکر کرنا , Question : سوچنا , Consider : سوچنا