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فعالیت : Faliyat Meaning in English

Faliyat Sentences

English Learning Video


Faliyat in Detail

1 of 2) سرگرمی فعالیت عاملیت : Action Activeness Activity : (noun) the state of being active.

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2 of 2) فعالیت : Activism : (noun) a policy of taking direct and militant action to achieve a political or social goal.

Useful Words

پانا : Accomplish : to gain with effort. "Your uncle wanted to achieve the CEO status and get all the money your father had so he partnered him".

دعوی کرنا : Action : institute legal proceedings against; file a suit against. "He was warned that the district attorney would process him".

فعال : Active : in operation. "Keep hope alive".

حکم دینا : Direct : command with authority. "He directed the children to do their homework".

کھیل کا گول : Goal : a successful attempt at scoring. "He (Mario Gotze) scores a final goal".

جنگجو : Activist : a militant reformer.

تدبیر : Policy : a plan of action adopted by an individual or social group. "People who have returned to Pakistan from abroad and now want to get back to abroad, so those countries have changed their policy and said that travelers must go for covid test before traveling".

سیاسی : Political : involving or characteristic of politics or parties or politicians. "Its a political friend ship".

سماجی : Social : relating to human society and its members. "Take care of social distance to avoid coronavirus".

حالت : State : the way something is with respect to its main attributes. "Overthinking ruined his mental state".

لینے کا عمل : Pickings : the act of someone who picks up or takes something. "The pickings were easy".

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