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Fan Out meaning in Urdu

Fan Out Synonyms


Fan Out Definitions

1) Fan Out, Diffuse, Spread, Spread Out : منتشر ہونا : (verb) move outward.

Useful Words

Diffuse : پھیلانا , Unfurl : لپٹی ہوئی حالت سے کہول دینا , Radiate : منتشر ہونا , Circumfuse : چاروں طرف پھیلانا , Divaricate : پھیلنا , Straw : پھیلانا , Metastasise : پورے جسم میں مرض پھیلنا , Percolate : آہستہ آہستہ پھیلانا , Bruit : افواہ پھیلانا , Infectious : چھوت والا , Permeant : سرایت کرنے والا , Splay : پھیلانا , Fanned : پھیلا , Butter : مکھن لگانا , Sprawl : بے ڈھنگے انداز میں بدن کا پھیلنا , Slather : بہت زیادہ لیپنا , Aggressive : تیزی سے پھیلنے والا , Rail : غلط معلومات پھیلانا , Buttery : مکھن لگا , Roll : بیلنا , Eid Gift : عیدی , Mushroom : بڑھنا , Vegetate : بڑھنا , Grapevine : بے بنیاد خبر , Contagious : وبا , Adherent : مرید , Propaganda : کسی مقصد کے لئے نشرواشاعت , Open : پھیلانا , Enlightenment : روشن خیالی , Sprawl : بے ڈھنگے انداز میں بدن کا پھیلنا , Diversify : متفرق ہونا

Useful Words Definitions

Diffuse: spread or diffuse through.

Unfurl: unroll, unfold, or spread out or be unrolled, unfolded, or spread out from a furled state.

Radiate: extend or spread outward from a center or focus or inward towards a center.

Circumfuse: spread something around something.

Divaricate: spread apart.

Straw: spread by scattering (.

Metastasise: spread throughout the body.

Percolate: spread gradually.

Bruit: tell or spread rumors.

Infectious: easily spread.

Permeant: spreading or spread throughout.

Splay: spread open or apart.

Fanned: especially spread in a fan shape.

Butter: spread butter on.

Sprawl: sit or lie with one's limbs spread out.

Slather: spread thickly.

Aggressive: tending to spread quickly.

Rail: spread negative information about.

Buttery: resembling or containing or spread with butter.

Roll: flatten or spread with a roller.

Eid Gift: It is given at eid day to children and others relatives to spread joy.

Mushroom: grow and spread fast.

Vegetate: grow or spread abnormally.

Grapevine: gossip spread by spoken communication.

Contagious: easily diffused or spread as from one person to another.

Adherent: someone who believes and helps to spread the doctrine of another.

Propaganda: information that is spread for the purpose of promoting some cause.

Open: spread out or open from a closed or folded state.

Enlightenment: education that results in understanding and the spread of knowledge.

Sprawl: an ungainly posture with arms and legs spread about.

Diversify: spread into new habitats and produce variety or variegate.

Related Words

Distribute : پھیلانا

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