Fukkianese Fukien Fugo Fugitive Fugacious Fug Fuel-Air Bomb Fuel Oil Fulcrum Fulfil Fulfill Fulgent Fulgid Fulgurant Fulgurous Full Full Admiral Full Blood Full Complement Full Cousin

Fulcrum meaning in Urdu

Fulcrum Sentence

Fulcrum of bottle opener.

Fulcrum Definitions

1) Fulcrum : نصاب, ٹیک : (noun) the pivot about which a lever turns.


Useful Words

Compound Lever : جگر کے دونوں حصے , Dandle Board : ہنڈولا , Pivot : پھرکی گھمانا , Wheel : موڑنا , Foot Lever : پاوں سے استعمال ہونے والا پیڈل , Heaver : کنڈی , Gun Trigger : بندوق کا گہوڑا , Crowbar : بیرم کے ذریعے اوپر اٹھانے والا آلہ , Lever : کنڈی , Nutcracker : سروتا , Pair Of Pincers : ایک قسم کا اوزار , Ratchet Wheel : خم دار دندانوں والا پہیہ , Alternate : باہم بدلنا , Alternate : باری باری , Anfractuous : بل دار , Disservice : نقصان دہ خدمت , Tortuous : ٹیڑھا , Swivel : پھرکی , Freezing Point : نقطہ انجماد , Millrace : پن دھارا , Atomiser : چھڑکنے کا آلہ , Pin : سلاخ جو کسی شئے کو گھمائے , Abducens Muscle : آنکھ کا پٹھہ , Oblique Bandage : ایک قسم کی پٹی , Zag : ٹیڑھی میڑھی , Rotisserie : چرخ چولہا , Heterocercal Fin : مچھلی کی دم , Gyro : مسکن چرخی , Steam Engine : بھاپ سے چلنے والا انجن , Atomic Number 38 : ایک ہلکا زرد قلزی ارضی کیمیا , Cricket : کرکٹ

Useful Words Definitions

Compound Lever: a pair of levers hinged at the fulcrum.

Dandle Board: a plaything consisting of a board balanced on a fulcrum; the board is ridden up and down by children at either end.

Pivot: turn on a pivot.

Wheel: change directions as if revolving on a pivot.

Foot Lever: a lever that is operated with the foot.

Heaver: a bar used as a lever (as in twisting rope).

Gun Trigger: lever that activates the firing mechanism of a gun.

Crowbar: a heavy iron lever with one end forged into a wedge.

Lever: a flat metal tumbler in a lever lock.

Nutcracker: a compound lever used to crack nuts open.

Pair Of Pincers: a hand tool for holding consisting of a compound lever for grasping.

Ratchet Wheel: toothed wheel held in place by a pawl or detent and turned by a lever.

Alternate: do something in turns.

Alternate: occurring by turns; first one and then the other.

Anfractuous: full of twists and turns.

Disservice: an act intended to help that turns out badly.

Tortuous: marked by repeated turns and bends.

Swivel: a coupling (as in a chain) that has one end that turns on a headed pin.

Freezing Point: the temperature below which a liquid turns into a solid.

Millrace: a channel for the water current that turns a millwheel.

Atomiser: a dispenser that turns a liquid (such as perfume) into a fine mist.

Pin: axis consisting of a short shaft that supports something that turns.

Abducens Muscle: the ocular muscle whose contraction turns the eyeball outward.

Oblique Bandage: a bandage in which successive turns proceed obliquely up or down a limb.

Zag: an angular shape characterized by sharp turns in alternating directions.

Rotisserie: an oven or broiler equipped with a rotating spit on which meat cooks as it turns.

Heterocercal Fin: a tail fin with unequal lobes in which the vertebral column turns upward into the larger lobe as in sharks.

Gyro: rotating mechanism in the form of a universally mounted spinning wheel that offers resistance to turns in any direction.

Steam Engine: external-combustion engine in which heat is used to raise steam which either turns a turbine or forces a piston to move up and down in a cylinder.

Atomic Number 38: a soft silver-white or yellowish metallic element of the alkali metal group; turns yellow in air; occurs in celestite and strontianite.

Cricket: a game played with a ball and bat by two teams of 11 players; teams take turns trying to score runs.

Fulcrum in Book Titles

The City as Fulcrum of Global Sustainability.
Fulcrum Shift.

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