Ganday Pani Ka ...Pusht Dar Lambi...Mulazmon Kay Aa...SilkEk Qisim Ka Uni...Choti C Chmkili...Gand NakasSoi Dahagy Ka DabaSilai MachineSilai Ki SuiEk Aala Jis Kay...Hath KariBatryLakri Ka Ek Num...Balon Or Sar Ko...GuthliBeejBanane Wala

گند نِکاس : Gand Nakas Meaning in English

Gand Nakas in Detail

1) گندے پانی کا نالہ گند نکاس : Cloaca Sewer Sewerage : (noun) a waste pipe that carries away sewage or surface water.


Useful Words

پرے : Away : from a particular thing or place or position (`forth` is obsolete). "Ran away from the lion".

ایک جگہ سے دوسری جگہ لے جانا : Carry : move while supporting, either in a vehicle or in one`s hands or on one`s body. "You must carry your camping gear".

چیخ : Pipe : utter a shrill cry.

میل کچیل کا نالیوں سے نکل جانا : Sewage : waste matter carried away in sewers or drains.

سطح : Surface : the outer boundary of an artifact or a material layer constituting or resembling such a boundary. "There is a special cleaner for these surfaces".

ویران : Godforsaken : located in a dismal or remote area; desolate. "He went to a waste place".

پانی : Water : a liquid necessary for the life of most animals and plants. "May I bring water for you ?".

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