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گرمی اور حبس : Garmi Or Habs Meaning in English

Garmi Or Habs in Detail

1 of 2) گرمی اور حبس : Sultriness : (noun) oppressively hot and humid weather.

2 of 2) گرمی اور حبس : Sultriness : (noun) the quality of expressing or arousing sexual desire.

Useful Words

گرم : Hot : used of physical heat; having a high or higher than desirable temperature or giving off heat or feeling or causing a sensation of heat or burning. "Aren`t you feeling the cold?".

گیلا : Humid : containing or characterized by a great deal of water vapor. "Humid air".

بوجھل طور پر : Oppressively : in a heavy and oppressive way. "It was oppressively hot in the office".

موسم : Atmospheric Condition : the atmospheric conditions that comprise the state of the atmosphere in terms of temperature and wind and clouds and precipitation. "The weather turned cold again".

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