Gaucheness Gauche Gator Gatling Gathering Gatherer Gathered Gather Up Gaucherie Gaud Gaudery Gaudi Gaudi I Cornet Gaudily Gaudiness Gaudy Gauge Gaul Gaunt Gauntlet

Gaucherie meaning in Urdu

Gaucherie Synonyms


Gaucherie Definitions

1 of 2) Gaucherie, Rusticity : دیہاتی ہونے کی حالت یا خاصیت : (noun) the quality of being rustic or gauche.

2 of 2) Gaucherie, Faux Pas, Gaffe, Slip, Solecism : بے تکی بات یا عمل : (noun) a socially awkward or tactless act.

Useful Words

Blunder : حماقت کرنا , Agrestic : دیہاتی رویہ , Hunting Lodge : عارضی قیام کے لئے ایک چھوٹا مکان , Rusticate : دیہاتی علاقے میں رہنا , Decency : معقولیت , Call : کہنا , Ability : صلاحیت , Detergence : صفائی , Inutility : ناکارہ چیز , A-One : عمدہ ترین , Craftiness : دہوکادہی , Distastefulness : نفرت انگیزی , Exactitude : مطابقت , High-Grade : اعلی , Lawfulness : قانونی , High Quality : اعلی معیار کا , Aridity : سوکھا پن , Individualism : انفرادیت , Duplicability : افزایش نو , Impregnate : آلودہ کرنا , Holiness : تقدس , Feasibility : امکانيت , Honestness : ایمانداری , Greatest : خالص , Infidelity : بے وفائی , Comicality : مسخراپن , Discursiveness : منطقیت , Alienage : بیگانگی , Safeness : سلامتی , Asset : اثاثہ , Deadliness : مضر ہونے کی حالت

Useful Words Definitions

Blunder: commit a faux pas or a fault or make a serious mistake.

Agrestic: (of behavior) rustic and uncouth.

Hunting Lodge: a small (rustic) house used as a temporary shelter.

Rusticate: live in the country and lead a rustic life.

Decency: the quality of conforming to standards of propriety and morality; the quality of being polite and respectable.

Call: ascribe a quality to or give a name of a common noun that reflects a quality.

Ability: the quality of being able to perform; a quality that permits or facilitates achievement or accomplishment.

Detergence: detergent quality; the quality of having cleansing power.

Inutility: the quality of having no practical use.

A-One: of the highest quality.

Craftiness: the quality of being crafty.

Distastefulness: the quality of being offensive.

Exactitude: the quality of being exact.

High-Grade: surpassing in quality.

Lawfulness: the quality of conforming to law.

High Quality: the quality of being superior.

Aridity: the quality of yielding nothing of value.

Individualism: the quality of being individual.

Duplicability: the quality of being reproducible.

Impregnate: fill, as with a certain quality.

Holiness: the quality of being holy.

Feasibility: the quality of being doable.

Honestness: the quality of being honest.

Greatest: highest in quality.

Infidelity: the quality of being unfaithful.

Comicality: the quality of being comical.

Discursiveness: the quality of being discursive.

Alienage: the quality of being alien.

Safeness: the quality of being safe.

Asset: a useful or valuable quality.

Deadliness: the quality of being deadly.

Related Words

Bloomer : غلطی

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