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Genus Hexagrammos meaning in Urdu

Genus Hexagrammos Synonym

Genus Hexagrammos Definitions

1) Genus Hexagrammos, Hexagrammos : گرین لنگ مچھلی : (noun) type genus of the Hexagrammidae.


Useful Words

Genus Venus : زہرہ , Culex : مچھر , Althaea : چھوٹے پھولوں والا پودا , Shumac : شجرالسماق , Genus Homogyne : پھولوں والا یورپی پودا , Acroclinium : سدا بہار جڑی بوٹی , Arabidopsis : ایک قسم کا رائی کا سفوف کی طرز کا پودا پیلے اور اودے پھول والا , Pasque Flower : ایک قسم کا پہول , Amphisbaena : سنڈی نما سانپ کی قسم , Genus Hippobosca : مکھی , Genus Holothuria : جونک جیسا جاندار , Agonus : چھوٹی مچھلیوں کی قسم , Gavialis : بڑے مگر مچھ کی ایک قسم , Genus Hirundo : پپیہے پرندے کی قسم , Acanthurus : ڈاکٹر مچھلی , Castor : ارنڈی , Genus Odobenus : فرس البحر کی قسم , Genus Musca : گھریلو مکھی , Accipiter : شکرہ , Cimex : جنس کھٹمل , Acipenser : سنگ ماہی , Genus Hirudo : جونک کی قسم , Genus Limulus : ایک قسم کا کیکڑا , Adelges : پودوں کا کیڑا , Genus Holocentrus : سرخ مچھلی کی اقسام , Genus Hyla : درخت کا مینڈک , Genus Phylloxera : پودوں کی ایک جوں , Genus Sarcoptes : سکیبیز پیدا کرنے والا اچمائیٹ , Drosera : کیڑے مکوڑے کھانے والا پودا , Ascaris : آنتوں کے کیڑے , Genus Homarus : جھینگے کی نسل

Useful Words Definitions

Genus Venus: type genus of the family Veneridae: genus of edible clams with thick oval shells.

Culex: type genus of the Culicidae: widespread genus of mosquitoes distinguished by holding the body parallel to the resting surface.

Althaea: any of various plants of the genus Althaea; similar to but having smaller flowers than genus Alcea.

Shumac: a shrub or tree of the genus Rhus (usually limited to the non-poisonous members of the genus).

Genus Homogyne: small genus of low perennial herbs of montane Europe; in some classifications included in genus Tussilago.

Acroclinium: genus of herbs and shrubs of Australia and South Africa: everlasting flower; most species usually placed in genus Helipterum.

Arabidopsis: a genus of the mustard family having white or yellow or purplish flowers; closely related to genus Arabis.

Pasque Flower: any plant of the genus Pulsatilla; sometimes included in genus Anemone.

Amphisbaena: type genus of the Amphisbaenidae.

Genus Hippobosca: type genus of the Hippoboscidae.

Genus Holothuria: type genus of the Holothuridae.

Agonus: type genus of the Agonidae.

Gavialis: type genus of the Gavialidae.

Genus Hirundo: type genus of the Hirundinidae.

Acanthurus: type genus of the Acanthuridae: doctorfishes.

Castor: type genus of the Castoridae: beavers.

Genus Odobenus: type genus of the Odobenidae: walruses.

Genus Musca: type genus of the Muscidae: houseflies.

Accipiter: type genus of the family Accipitridae.

Cimex: type genus of the Cimicidae: bedbugs.

Acipenser: type genus of the Acipenseridae: sturgeons.

Genus Hirudo: type genus of the family Hirudinidae.

Genus Limulus: type genus of the family Limulidae.

Adelges: type genus of the Adelgidae: plant lice.

Genus Holocentrus: type genus of the family Holocentridae; squirrelfishes.

Genus Hyla: the type genus of the Hylidae; tree toads.

Genus Phylloxera: type genus of the Phylloxeridae: plant lice.

Genus Sarcoptes: type genus of the family Sarcoptidae: itch mites.

Drosera: the type genus of Droseraceae including many low bog-inhabiting insectivorous plants.

Ascaris: type genus of the family Ascaridae: roundworms with a three-lipped mouth.

Genus Homarus: type genus of the family Homaridae: common edible lobsters.

Related Words

Family Hexagrammidae : مچھلی , Hexagrammos Decagrammus : گرین لنگ مچھلی

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