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Gestation meaning in Urdu

Gestation Synonym


Gestation Definitions

1) Gestation, Maternity, Pregnancy : امومت, ماں بننے کی حالت, پیٹ میں حمل روکنا : (noun) the state of being pregnant; the period from conception to birth when a woman carries a developing fetus in her uterus.

Useful Words

Full Term : ایسی حالت جن حمل کو چالیس ہفتے ہو جائیں , Prematurely : بچے کا وقت سے پہلے پیدا ہونا , Premature : قبل از وقت پیدا ہونا , Presentation : وضع جنین , False Pregnancy : کسی ایسی عورت میں حمل کی جملہ علامات ہونا جو یہ سمجھتی ہو کہ اسے حمل ہے مگر اس کو حمل نہ ہو , Conceive : حاملہ ہونا , Ballottement : تشخیص حمل کا ایک طریقہ , Version : پیٹ میں بچے کا رخ پھیرنا , Uterus : رحم , Gravida : حاملہ عورت , Gravida I : پہلی دفعہ حاملہ ہونے والی خاتون , Pregnancy Test : حمل کا پتا لگانے کا ٹیسٹ , Afterpains : بچے کی پیدائش کے بعد ہونے والا درد , Life : زندگی , Lactation : چھاتی سے بچے کو دودھ پلانے کا عرصہ , Acquired Immunity : جراثیم کے خلاف مدافعت , Perinatal : پیدائش کے وقت سے متعلق , Nullipara : ایسی عورت جس نے کسی بچہ کو جنم نہ دیا ہو , Puerperium : بچے کی ولادت کے بعد عورت کی حالت , Female Parent : ماں , Christian Era : عیسوی , Puerperal : بچے کی پیدایش سے متعلق , Childbed : عالم زچگی , Muliebrity : زنانہ پن , Spinsterhood : ناکتخدائی , Famishment : فاقہ , Misconception : غلط رائے , Infertility : بانجھ پن , Feverish : انتہائی مصروفیت , Miscarriage : حمل کا وقت سے پہلے گرنا , Antifertility : مانع حمل

Useful Words Definitions

Full Term: the end of gestation or point at which birth is imminent.

Prematurely: (of childbirth) before the end of the normal period of gestation.

Premature: born after a gestation period of less than the normal time.

Presentation: (obstetrics) position of the fetus in the uterus relative to the birth canal.

False Pregnancy: physiological state in which a woman exhibits symptoms of pregnancy but is not pregnant.

Conceive: become pregnant; undergo conception.

Ballottement: a palpatory technique for feeling a floating object in the body (especially for determining the position of a fetus by feeling the rebound of the fetus after a quick digital tap on the wall of the uterus).

Version: manual turning of a fetus in the uterus (usually to aid delivery).

Uterus: a hollow muscular organ in the pelvic cavity of females; contains the developing fetus.

Gravida: a pregnant woman.

Gravida I: (obstetrics) a woman who is pregnant for the first time.

Pregnancy Test: a physiological test to determine whether a woman is pregnant.

Afterpains: pains felt by a woman after her baby is born; associated with contractions of the uterus.

Life: the period during which something is functional (as between birth and death).

Lactation: the period following birth during which milk is secreted.

Acquired Immunity: immunity to a particular disease that is not innate but has been acquired during life; immunity can be acquired by the development of antibodies after an attack of an infectious disease or by a pregnant mother passing antibodies through the placenta to a fetus or by vaccination.

Perinatal: occurring during the period around birth (5 months before and 1 month after).

Nullipara: (obstetrics) a woman who has never give birth to a child.

Puerperium: time period following childbirth when the mother's uterus shrinks and the other functional and anatomic changes of pregnancy are resolved.

Female Parent: a woman who has given birth to a child (also used as a term of address to your mother).

Christian Era: the time period beginning with the supposed year of Christ`s birth.

Puerperal: relating to or connected with or occurring at the time of childbirth or shortly following, or to the woman who has just given birth.

Childbed: concluding state of pregnancy; from the onset of contractions to the birth of a child.

Muliebrity: the state of being an adult woman.

Spinsterhood: the state of being a spinster (usually an elderly unmarried woman).

Famishment: a state of extreme hunger resulting from lack of essential nutrients over a prolonged period.

Misconception: an incorrect conception.

Infertility: the state of being unable to produce offspring; in a woman it is an inability to conceive; in a man it is an inability to impregnate.

Feverish: a situation or period of time characterized by being very busy, fast-paced, and full of activity or excitement. It often implies a state of being chaotic, frantic, or filled with a lot of things to do or manage.

Miscarriage: a natural loss of the products of conception.

Antifertility: capable of preventing conception or impregnation.

Related Words

Endometrium : رحم کا استر , Gravidation : حمل یا حاملہ کو کہنے کا ایک انداز
