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غَیر اِرادی : Ghair Iraadi Meaning in English


Ghair Iraadi in Detail

1 of 2) غیر ارادی : Involuntary Nonvoluntary Unvoluntary : (adjective) not subject to the control of the will.

2 of 2) غیر ارادی بے ارادہ بلا مقصد : Unintentional Unwilled : (satellite adjective) without deliberate intent.

Useful Words

قابو : Control : power to direct or determine. "Farooq Sattar got out of control".

نہیں : Non : negation of a word or group of words. "Will not go like that".

ذد میں لانا : Subject : cause to experience or suffer or make liable or vulnerable to. "He subjected me to his awful poetry".

مرضی : Volition : the capability of conscious choice and decision and intention. "It was my will".

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