Karkunoun Ki Ha...Kisi Ki Hamdard...Wo Hartaal Jis ...Mutaalbaat Kay ...HartaalRamzan AlmubarkBhook HartaalGhair Mutashd M...Ghair Qanooni H...Takhrib KariKarobar Kay Kha...Badi TabaahiYahudioun Ka Qa...Tas KarnaAchank Harkat K...Bambari KarnaGhat Laganay Ka...Ehmaqana HarkatHimaqatRasae

غَیر قانُونی ہَڑتال : Ghair Qanooni Hartaal Meaning in English

English Learning Video

Ghair Qanooni Hartaal in Detail

1) غیر قانونی ہڑتال : Wildcat Strike : (noun) a strike undertaken by workers without approval from the officials of their union.

English Learning Quiz

i rarely come
you should have thought this before

Useful Words

منظوری : Approval : the formal act of approving. "At first the girl`s parents were against co education system but later they gave her approval to study in university".

سرکاری : Official : having official authority or sanction. "Official permission".

لینا : Assume : occupy or take on. "Don`t take us easy".

مزدوروں کا اتحاد : Brotherhood : an organization of employees formed to bargain with the employer. "You have to join the union in order to get a job".

مزدور : Worker : a person who works at a specific occupation. "He is a good worker".

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