غَیر قانُونی ہَڑتال : Ghair Qanooni Hartaal Meaning in English
English Learning Video
Ghair Qanooni Hartaal in Detail
1) غیر قانونی ہڑتال : Wildcat Strike : (noun) a strike undertaken by workers without approval from the officials of their union.
Useful Words
منظوری : Approval : the formal act of approving. "At first the girl`s parents were against co education system but later they gave her approval to study in university".
سرکاری : Official : having official authority or sanction. "Official permission".
لینا : Assume : occupy or take on. "Don`t take us easy".
مزدوروں کا اتحاد : Brotherhood : an organization of employees formed to bargain with the employer. "You have to join the union in order to get a job".
مزدور : Worker : a person who works at a specific occupation. "He is a good worker".