گہوڑے کے پٹی باندھنا : Ghoray Kay Pati Bandhna Meaning in English
Ghoray Kay Pati Bandhna Sentences
Ghoray Kay Pati Bandhna in Detail
1) گہوڑے کے پٹی باندھنا : Harness Tackle : (verb) put a harness.
Useful Words
بگھی کے جانور کی پٹی جو جانور اور بگھی میں باندھی جاتی ہے : Harness : stable gear consisting of an arrangement of leather straps fitted to a draft animal so that it can be attached to and pull a cart. "The harness of horse and cow".
رکھنا : Lay : put into a certain place or abstract location. "Where do I put it ?".