گہوڑے کی اچھل کود : Ghoray Ki Uchal Kud Meaning in English
Ghoray Ki Uchal Kud in Detail
1) گہوڑے کی اچھل کود : Curvet Vaulting : (noun) a light leap by a horse in which both hind legs leave the ground before the forelegs come down.
Useful Words
پہلے : Before : earlier in time; previously. "I have never seen you before".
دونوں : Both : (used with count nouns) two considered together; the two. "What`s happened to both of you?".
آنا : Come : move toward, travel toward something or somebody or approach something or somebody. "For what you have come here?".
نیچے کی طرف : Down : extending or moving from a higher to a lower place. "Cast your sight down".
زمین : Dry Land : the solid part of the earth's surface. "The plane turned away from the sea and moved back over land".
ہرنی : Hind : a female deer, especially an adult female red deer. "Hind legs enable it to spring upon it".
گھوڑا : Equus Caballus : solid-hoofed herbivorous quadruped domesticated since prehistoric times. "You can lead a horse to water but you can`t make it drink".
اچکنا : Bounce : a light, self-propelled movement upwards or forwards.
اجازت دینا : Leave : permission to do something. "Well, I will leave now".
ٹانگ : Leg : a human limb; commonly used to refer to a whole limb but technically only the part of the limb between the knee and ankle. "The stone hit me on the leg".
آگ لگانا : Ignite : cause to start burning; subject to fire or great heat. "Great heat can ignite almost any dry matter".