غُسل : Ghusal Meaning in English
Ghusal Sentences
Ghusal in Detail
2 of 2) غسل : Shower Shower Bath : (noun) washing yourself by standing upright under water sprayed from a nozzle.
Useful Words
بالٹی : Bath : a relatively large open container that you fill with water and use to wash the body. "Hand me the bathtub".
جسم : Body : the entire structure of an organism (an animal, plant, or human being). "He felt as if his whole body were on fire".
ناک : Beak : informal terms for the nose. "Your nozzle is leak".
بھگونا : Imbue : fill, soak, or imbue totally. "Soak the rice".
کھڑا پانی : Standing : (of fluids) not moving or flowing. "Standing water".
نیچے کی شے : Nether : located below or beneath something else. "We are one under the shadow of this flag".
شریف : Good : of moral excellence. "She is an upright girl".
دہونا : Wash : remove by the application of water or other liquid and soap or some other cleaning agent. "She washed away the makeup".
پانی : Water : a liquid necessary for the life of most animals and plants. "May I bring water for you ?".
اپنا : Ourselves : Used as a reflexive. "God help those who help themselves".