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Glaze Over meaning in Urdu

Glaze Over Synonyms

Glaze Over Definitions

1) Glaze Over, Blur, Film Over : دھندلا ہونا : (verb) become glassy; lose clear vision.


Useful Words

Bedazzle : آنکھیں چندھیا جانا , Glaze : روغن کرنا , Craze : بال , Candy : ٹافی , Cross Bun : میٹھا رول , Clear-Sighted : تیز نظر , Evaporate : بخارات بن کر خارج ہونا , Forego : کھو دینا , Void : خالی کرنا , Acrylate Resin : گلاس جیسا چکنا محلول , Metaphosphoric Acid : میٹا فاسفورک تیزاب , Garnet : یاقوت , Spinel : ایک معدن جو میگنیشیم اور ایلومینیم کے آکسائیڈ پر مشتمل ہوتا ھے , Zeolite : کیمیا زیو لائٹ , Enamel : چمکدار روغن , Depreciate : قیمت گرانا , Dash : ہمت ہارنا , Expire : ختم ہو نا , Freak : ہوش کھو دینا , Discomfit : بدحواس کرنا , Unman : بزدل بنا دینا , Retire : توجہ کہونا , Wilt : کمزور پڑنا , Achromatic Vision : سرمئی نظارہ , Argus-Eyed : تیز نظر , Seeing : بینا , Fatigue : تنگ آجانا , Dwindle : گھٹنا , Craze : بے وقوف بنانا , Faint : نڈھال , Dehydrate : پانی خشک ہونا

Useful Words Definitions

Bedazzle: to cause someone to lose clear vision, especially from intense light.

Glaze: coat with a glaze.

Craze: a fine crack in a glaze or other surface.

Candy: coat with something sweet, such as a hard sugar glaze.

Cross Bun: moderately sweet raised roll containing spices and raisins and citron and decorated with a cross-shaped sugar glaze.

Clear-Sighted: having sharp clear vision.

Evaporate: lose or cause to lose liquid by vaporization leaving a more concentrated residue.

Forego: lose ( or lose the right to ( by some error, offense, or crime.

Void: clear (a room, house, place) of occupants or empty or clear (a place or receptacle) of something.

Acrylate Resin: a glassy thermoplastic; can be cast and molded or used in coatings and adhesives.

Metaphosphoric Acid: a glassy solid acid ([HPO3]n) often used as a dehydrating agent.

Garnet: any of a group of hard glassy minerals (silicates of various metals) used as gemstones and as an abrasive.

Spinel: a hard glassy mineral consisting of an oxide of magnesium and aluminum; occurs in various colors that are used as gemstones.

Zeolite: any of a family of glassy minerals analogous to feldspar containing hydrated aluminum silicates of calcium or sodium or potassium; formed in cavities in lava flows and in plutonic rocks.

Enamel: a colored glassy compound (opaque or partially opaque) that is fused to the surface of metal or glass or pottery for decoration or protection.

Depreciate: lose in value.

Dash: cause to lose courage.

Expire: lose validity.

Freak: lose one`s nerve.

Discomfit: cause to lose one's composure.

Unman: cause to lose one's nerve.

Retire: lose interest.

Wilt: lose strength.

Achromatic Vision: vision using the rods.

Argus-Eyed: having very keen vision.

Seeing: having vision, not blind.

Fatigue: lose interest or become bored with something or somebody.

Dwindle: become smaller or lose substance.

Craze: cause to go crazy; cause to lose one's mind.

Faint: weak and likely to lose consciousness.

Dehydrate: lose water or moisture.

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