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Guerilla Force meaning in Urdu

Guerilla Force Synonym

Guerilla Force Definitions

1) Guerilla Force, Guerrilla Force : چھاپہ مار مسلح قوت, اچانک حملہ کرنے والا گروہ : (noun) an irregular armed force that fights by sabotage and harassment; often rural and organized in large groups.


Useful Words

Guerilla : چھاپہ مار , Counteroffensive : جوابی حملہ , Duty : فرض , Interfere : مداخلت کرنا , Armed Forces : کسی قوم کی فوج , Counterattack : جوابی حملہ , Enemy : دشمن , Operative : موثر , Beleaguering : گھیراو , Foist : بوج دوسرے پر ڈالنا , Compel : مجبور کرنا , Disunite : جدا کرنا , Coldcock : مار گرانا , Force : دھکا دینا , Keep Down : زیر اثر رکھنا , Fend : مزاحمت کرنا , Deposit : رکھنا , Gently : ہلکے سے , Drift : بہاوٴ , Hands : افرادی قوت , Conquer : دبانا , Push : زور سے دھکا دینا , Seize : پکڑ لینا , Bull : دھونس جمانا , Whang : طاقت سے پھینکنا , Coercion : جبر , Whang : طاقت سے مارنا , Down : مار گرانا , Launch : طاقت سے چلانے کا عمل , Commandeer : اغواء کرنا , Tooth And Nail : پوری طاقت سے

Useful Words Definitions

Guerilla: a member of an irregular armed force that fights a stronger force by sabotage and harassment.

Counteroffensive: a large scale offensive (more than a counterattack) undertaken by a defending force to seize the initiative from an attacking force.

Duty: the social force that binds you to the courses of action demanded by that force.

Interfere: get involved, so as to alter or hinder an action, or through force or threat of force.

Armed Forces: armed forces are organized military units, including the Army, Navy, Air Force, and more, tasked with safeguarding a nation`s security and interests, often through combat, defense, and peacekeeping operations.

Counterattack: an attack by a defending force against an attacking enemy force in order to regain lost ground or cut off enemy advance units etc.

Enemy: an armed adversary (especially a member of an opposing military force).

Operative: being in force or having or exerting force.

Beleaguering: the action of an armed force that surrounds a fortified place and isolates it while continuing to attack.

Foist: to force onto another.

Compel: force somebody to do something.

Disunite: force, take, or pull apart.

Coldcock: knock down with force.

Force: move with force.

Keep Down: put down by force or intimidation.

Fend: withstand the force of something.

Deposit: put, fix, force, or implant.

Gently: with little weight or force.

Drift: a force that moves something along.

Hands: the force of workers available.

Conquer: to put down by force or authority.

Push: the force used in pushing.

Seize: take or capture by force.

Bull: push or force.

Whang: propel or hit with force.

Coercion: using force to cause something to occur.

Whang: beat with force.

Down: shoot at and force to come down.

Launch: the act of propelling with force.

Commandeer: take arbitrarily or by force.

Tooth And Nail: with force and ferocity.

Related Words

Force : حکم ماننے والوں کا گروہ

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