Chabk DastiChabkdastiUroojMahir AnaTurantGhalbaDastarasUboorHaath Ki SafaiLikhny Boolnay ...Ghar Ki Nizamat...Stage Kay Daram...Lakri Ki Ashia ...LiaqatKun ZehenThreer Karnay K...Damaghi Tor Pay...Kund ZehniPasmandgiDimaghi Kami

ہاتھ کی صفائی : Haath Ki Safai Meaning in English

Haath Ki Safai in Detail

1) چابکدستی مہارت چابک دستی : Dexterity Manual Dexterity Sleight : (noun) adroitness in using the hands.


Useful Words

پھرتی : Adeptness : skillful performance or ability without difficulty. "His quick adeptness was a product of good design".

ہاتھ : Hand : the (prehensile) extremity of the superior limb. "Do not fold your hands".

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