حال : Hal Meaning in English
Hal Sentences
Hal Synonyms
Hal in Detail
1 of 5) مزاج حال : Humor Humour Mood Temper : (noun) a characteristic (habitual or relatively temporary) state of feeling.
2 of 5) بھالا ہل : Colter Coulter : (noun) a sharp steel wedge that precedes the plow and cuts vertically through the soil.
3 of 5) حال بیخودی بے خودی : Ecstasy Exaltation Rapture Raptus Transport : (noun) a state of being carried away by overwhelming emotion.
4 of 5) حال : Nowadays Present : (noun) the period of time that is happening now; any continuous stretch of time including the moment of speech.
5 of 5) حل : Answer Resolution Result Solution Solvent : (noun) a statement that solves a problem or explains how to solve the problem.
Useful Words
خصوصیت : Characteristic : feature commonly denotes a standout or unique attribute, trait, or property of a subject or individual. It may also point to a particular component or facet within a broader context, like a landscape feature, a cinematic feature film, or a magazine feature article. Features often serve as noteworthy, meaningful, or defining characteristics in the subject under consideration. "Whatsapp added new features last week".
احساس : Feeling : the experiencing of affective and emotional states. "No feeling no mercy".
حسب معمول : Accustomed : commonly used or practiced; usual. "I have become habitual".
نسبتاً : Comparatively : in a relative manner; by comparison to something else. "She was comparatively better than him".
حالت : State : the way something is with respect to its main attributes. "Overthinking ruined his mental state".
عارضی ملازم : Temp : a worker (especially in an office) hired on a temporary basis.