Hand Lotion Hand Line Hand Job Hand In Hand Hand In Glove Hand Grenade Hand Down Hand Clapping Hand Luggage Hand Out Hand Over Hand Puppet Hand Saw Hand To Hand Hand To Mouth Hand-Down Hand-Me-Down Hand-Pick Hand-To-Hand Hand-To-Hand St...

Hand Luggage meaning in Urdu

Hand Luggage Definitions

1) Hand Luggage : ہاتھ کا سامان : (noun) luggage that is light enough to be carried by hand.


Useful Words

Torch : مشعل , Porter : مزدور , Boot : گاڑی میں سامان رکھنے کی خاص جگہ , Luggage Carrier : سامان رکھنے کا اسٹینڈ , Grapple : کشتی , Underbid : کم بولی دینا , Hatbox : ٹوپی بکسا , Porter : مزدور , Coupe : دو دروازوں والی گاڑی , Trunk : صندوق , Satchel : بستہ , Bluff : فریب دینا , Walking Stick : عصا , Timbrel : طنبورہ , Cuff : ہاتھ سے مارنا , Pick Up : پکڑ لینا , Carry : پاس ہونا , Manually : ہاتھ سے , Dextrality : دائیں ہاتھ سے زیادہ کام کرنے کی عادت , Unhand : ہاتھ اٹھا لینا , Nearby : پاس ہی , Holographic : ہاتھ سے لکھا , Handedness : ایک ہاتھ کو دوسرے ہاتھ کی نسبت زیادہ استعمال کرنے کا رجحان , Hand : ہاتھ کی لکھائی , Present : دے دینا , Handwrite : ہاتھ کی لکھائی , Recto : دائیں ہاتھ کا صفحہ , Unavailable : غیر دستیاب , However : تاہم , Wafture : ہاتھ ہلہ کر اشارہ کرنے کا عمل , Accessibility : دستیابی

Useful Words Definitions

Torch: a light usually carried in the hand; consists of some flammable substance.

Porter: carry luggage or supplies.

Boot: British term for the luggage compartment in a car.

Luggage Carrier: carrier (as behind a bicycle seat) for luggage.

Grapple: the act of engaging in close hand-to-hand combat.

Underbid: bid (a hand of cards) at less than the strength of the hand warrants.

Hatbox: a round piece of luggage for carrying hats.

Porter: a person employed to carry luggage and supplies.

Coupe: a car with two doors and front seats and a luggage compartment.

Trunk: luggage consisting of a large strong case used when traveling or for storage.

Satchel: luggage consisting of a small case with a flat bottom and (usually) a shoulder strap.

Bluff: deceive an opponent by a bold bet on an inferior hand with the result that the opponent withdraws a winning hand.

Walking Stick: a stick carried in the hand for support in walking.

Timbrel: small hand drum similar to a tambourine; formerly carried by itinerant jugglers.

Cuff: hit with the hand.

Pick Up: take up by hand.

Carry: have on hand.

Manually: by hand.

Dextrality: preference for using the right hand.

Unhand: remove the hand from.

Nearby: close at hand.

Holographic: written entirely in one`s own hand.

Handedness: the property of using one hand more than the other.

Hand: something written by hand.

Present: hand over formally.

Handwrite: write by hand.

Recto: right-hand page.

Unavailable: not available or accessible or at hand.

However: by contrast; on the other hand.

Wafture: the act of signaling by a movement of the hand.

Accessibility: the quality of being at hand when needed.

Related Words

Baggage : سامان کے بیگ

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