ہنگامی راستہ : Hangami Raasta Meaning in English
Hangami Raasta in Detail
1) ہنگامی راستہ : Escape Hatch : (noun) hatchway that provides a means of escape in an emergency.
Useful Words
ہنگامی صورت حال : Emergency : a sudden unforeseen crisis (usually involving danger) that requires immediate action. "She never knew what to do in an emergency".
فرار : Escape : the act of escaping physically. "She escaped".
جہاز کی گزرگاہ : Hatchway : an entrance equipped with a hatch; especially a passageway between decks of a ship.
کمینہ : Bastardly : of no value or worth. "Her mother live with another man in US and harass her as well, he is so mean".
مہیا کرنا : Furnish : give something useful or necessary to. "We provided the room with an electrical heater".