Khas SifatHafzaYad Rakhny Ki T...YaddashtAnari PanPagal PanZehni KamiDimaghi Pakhtag...Hasasiat NoorTezi Se Dekhny ...Tez NigahaiAankh Ki BenaeKam Roshni Mein...Mujasm BiniSunny Ki HisSungehny Ka AmalSangny Ki Salah...QaidahKisi Kam Ko Anj...Sainsi Tariqa

حساسیت نور : Hasasiat Noor Meaning in English

Hasasiat Noor in Detail

1) حساسیت نور : Photosensitivity Radiosensitivity : (noun) sensitivity to the action of radiant energy.


Useful Words

دعوی کرنا : Action : institute legal proceedings against; file a suit against. "He was warned that the district attorney would process him".

توانائی : Energy : (physics) a thermodynamic quantity equivalent to the capacity of a physical system to do work; the units of energy are joules or ergs. "If your legs and hands fall asleep so it means you are anemic Eat chicken`s liver, it will give you energy".

چمکیلا : Beaming : radiating or as if radiating light. "The beaming sun".

حساسیت : Sensitiveness : sensitivity to emotional feelings (of self and others).

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