Health Code meaning in Urdu
Health Code Sentence
Health Code Synonym
Health Code Definitions
1) Health Code, Sanitary Code : صحت کے سرکاری اصول : (noun) set of standards established and enforced by government for health requirements as in plumbing etc.
Useful Words
Compile : کوڈ کو چلنے کے قابل بنانا , Health Care : صحت کا خیال , Medicare : طبی دیکھ بھال , Welfare State : فلاحی ریاست , Dietician : ماہرغذائیات , Coding : رمز نویسی , Encode : خفیہ الفاظ میں لکھنا , Protocol : ضابطہ اخلاق , Cipher : خفیہ کرنا , Decipher : مشکل عبارت کو آسانی سے سمجھنا , Cipher : خفیہ پیغام , Cryptogram : رمزی تحریر , Codify : قانون کی تدوین کرنا , Draconian : سفاکانہ , Highway Code : شاہراہ کا ضابطہ , Rebellion : سرکشی , Telegraph : تار کی ترسیل کا نظام , Wigwag : خفیہ نظام اشارات کے تحت اشارہ دینا , Debug : مشکلات دور کرنا , Double Standard : دہرا معیار , Address : کمپیوٹر کا پتہ , Decipherment : مرموز عبارت کی تعبیر , Bounce Back : صحت یاب ہونا , Invalidism : معذوری , Care Delivery : صحت کی سہولیات کی فراہمی , Feel Like A Million : ہشاش بشاش ہونا , Good For You : صحت بخش , Health Insurance : صحت کا بیمہ , Sanitariness : صحت افزا ماحول , Unhealthy : غیر صحت بخش , Health Hazard : مضر صحت
Useful Words Definitions
Compile: use a computer program to translate source code written in a particular programming language into computer-readable machine code that can be executed.
Health Care: the preservation of mental and physical health by preventing or treating illness through services offered by the health profession.
Medicare: health care for the aged; a federally administered system of health insurance available to persons aged 65 and over.
Welfare State: a government that undertakes responsibility for the welfare of its citizens through programs in public health and public housing and pensions and unemployment compensation etc.
Dietician: a dietitian is a qualified healthcare expert with expertise in nutrition. They evaluate individuals` dietary requirements, offer recommendations for nutritious eating, create dietary plans, and provide support for addressing different health concerns by adjusting nutrition and diets accordingly.
Coding: act of writing in code or cipher.
Encode: convert information into code.
Protocol: code of correct conduct.
Cipher: convert ordinary language into code.
Decipher: convert code into ordinary language.
Cipher: a message written in a secret code.
Cryptogram: a piece of writing in code or cipher.
Codify: organize into a code or system, such as a body of law.
Draconian: of or relating to Draco or his harsh code of laws.
Highway Code: the code of rules governing the use of public roads.
Rebellion: refusal to accept some authority or code or convention.
Telegraph: apparatus used to communicate at a distance over a wire (usually in Morse code).
Wigwag: send a signal by waving a flag or a light according to a certain code.
Debug: locate and correct errors in a computer program code.
Double Standard: an ethical or moral code that applies more strictly to one group than to another.
Address: (computer science) the code that identifies where a piece of information is stored.
Decipherment: the activity of making clear or converting from code into plain text.
Bounce Back: improve in health.
Invalidism: chronic ill health.
Care Delivery: the provision of health care.
Feel Like A Million: be in excellent health and spirits.
Good For You: promoting health; healthful.
Health Insurance: insurance against loss due to ill health.
Sanitariness: the state of being conducive to health.
Unhealthy: not conducive to good health.
Health Hazard: hazard to the health of those exposed to it.
Related Words
Code : ضابطہ , Jurisprudence : اصول