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Hinge meaning in Urdu

Hinge Synonym

Hinge Definitions

1) Hinge, Flexible Joint : قبضہ دروازے کھڑکی وغیرہ کا : (noun) a joint that holds two parts together so that one can swing relative to the other.


Useful Words

Articulatio Cubiti : کہنی , Articulatio Genus : گھٹنا , Doorknocker : دستک دینے والا آلہ , Screaky : کٹیلی آواز والا , Accommodating Iol : آنکھ میں لینس لگانے کا عمل , Abarticulation : ہڈی اتر جانا , Bend : موڑنا , Articulate : جوڑنا , Concerted : متفقہ , Flection : خمیدگی , Cooperation : تعاون , Arthritis : جوڑوں کی سوزش , Drumstick : پرندے کی ٹانگ کا نچلا جوڑ , Arthralgia : جوڑوں کا درد , Articulatio Synovialis : آسانی سے جوڑ کا حرکت کرنا , Knuckle : انگلی کا جوڑ , Foot : پاوں , Articulate : جڑا ہونا , Copartner : ساجھے دار , Diarchy : دوہری حاکمیت , Bunion : پیر کے انگوٹھے پر پڑنے والی تکلیف دہ گلٹھی , Arthrogram : جوڑ کی ایکسرے فلم , Flexor : عضلہ جو سکڑنے پر کسی حصے کو جھکاتا ہے , Rabbet Joint : چول کا جوڑ , Spavined : لنگڑےپن کا مریض , Spavin : گہوڑوں کی بیماری , Articulatio Radiocarpea : کلائی , Spot Welding : بجلی کے ذریعے جوڑ لگانا , Seam : دو ٹکڑوں کو جوڑنے والی سلائی یا ٹانکے بخیہ , Spondylitis : ایک یا زیادہ مہروں کی سوزش , Articulatio Coxae : کولہے کا جوڑ

Useful Words Definitions

Articulatio Cubiti: hinge joint between the forearm and upper arm and the corresponding joint in the forelimb of a quadruped.

Articulatio Genus: hinge joint in the human leg connecting the tibia and fibula with the femur and protected in front by the patella.

Doorknocker: a device (usually metal and ornamental) attached by a hinge to a door.

Screaky: having or making a high-pitched sound such as that made by a mouse or a rusty hinge.

Accommodating Iol: a lens implant containing a hinge that allows for both near and far vision (thus mimicking the natural lens of a young person).

Abarticulation: dislocation of a joint.

Bend: bend a joint.

Articulate: provide with a joint.

Concerted: involving the joint activity of two or more.

Flection: the state of being flexed (as of a joint).

Cooperation: joint operation or action.

Arthritis: inflammation of a joint or joints.

Drumstick: the lower joint of the leg of a fowl.

Arthralgia: pain in a joint or joints.

Articulatio Synovialis: a joint so articulated as to move freely.

Knuckle: a joint of a finger when the fist is closed.

Foot: the part of the leg of a human being below the ankle joint.

Articulate: unite by forming a joint or joints.

Copartner: a joint partner (as in a business enterprise).

Diarchy: a form of government having two joint rulers.

Bunion: a painful swelling of the bursa of the first joint of the big toe.

Arthrogram: an X ray of a joint after the injection of a contrast medium.

Flexor: a skeletal muscle whose contraction bends a joint.

Rabbet Joint: a joint formed by fitting together two rabbeted boards.

Spavined: (of horses) afflicted with a swelling of the hock-joint.

Spavin: a swelling of the hock joint of a horse; resulting in lameness.

Articulatio Radiocarpea: a joint between the distal end of the radius and the proximal row of carpal bones.

Spot Welding: creating an overlapping joint by welding at small points.

Seam: joint consisting of a line formed by joining two pieces.

Spondylitis: inflammation of a spinal joint; characterized by pain and stiffness.

Articulatio Coxae: the ball-and-socket joint between the head of the femur and the acetabulum.

Related Words

Car Door : گاڑی کا دروازہ , Gate : پھاٹک

Hinge in Book Titles

The Hinge of Fate.
Paracritical Hinge: Essay, Talks, Notes, Interviews.
At the Hinge of History: A Reporter`s Story.
