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Hitchhiker meaning in Urdu

Hitchhiker Sentence

Hitchhiker waiting for someone.

Hitchhiker Definitions

1) Hitchhiker : لفٹ مانگنے والا : (noun) a person who travels by getting free rides from passing vehicles.


Useful Words

Hitch : لفت لے کر مفت میں سفر کرنا , Bicycler : سائیکل سوار , Unicyclist : ایک پہیے کی سائیکل چلانے والا , Footer : پیدل چلنے والا , Bather : تیراک , Handing Over : انتقال , Relay : انتقال , Stowaway : جہاز میں چھپ کر سفر کرنے والا , Sledder : سلیج والا , Boater : کشتی ران , Motorcyclist : موٹر سائیکل چلانے والا , Outrider : گاڑی میں سوار گارڈ , Rider : سواری کرنے والا , Harmonica : موسیقی کا آلہ جسے پھونک مار کر بجایا جاتا ہے , Aseptic : جراثیم سے پاک , Air Traveler : ہوائی مسافر , Globetrotter : سیاح , Rafter : کشتی چلانے والا , Holidaymaker : سیاح , Automobilist : گاڑی چلانے والا , Runner : دوڑنے والا شخص , Scourer : پھرتی سے سفر کرنے والا , Barrel : بندوق کی نال , Course : راہ , Adventurer : مہم جو , Bagman : دلال , Hawker : پھیری والا , Carriageway : گاڑیوں کے لیے سڑک , Commuter : کام کے لۓ باقاعدگی سے سفر کرنے والا شخص , Migrator : پرندے یا جانور جو سال کے مختلف اوقات میں نقل مکانی کرتے ہیں , Harness Horse : گہوڑا گاڑی

Useful Words Definitions

Hitch: travel by getting free rides from motorists.

Bicycler: a person who rides a bicycle.

Unicyclist: a person who rides a unicycle.

Footer: a person who travels by foot.

Bather: a person who travels through the water by swimming.

Handing Over: the act of passing something to another person.

Relay: the act of passing something along from one person or group to another.

Stowaway: a person who hides aboard a ship or plane in the hope of getting free passage.

Sledder: someone who rides a sled.

Boater: someone who drives or rides in a boat.

Motorcyclist: a traveler who rides a motorcycle.

Outrider: an escort who rides ahead (as a member of the vanguard).

Rider: a traveler who actively rides an animal (as a horse or camel).

Harmonica: a small rectangular free-reed instrument having a row of free reeds set back in air holes and played by blowing into the desired hole.

Aseptic: free of or using methods to keep free of pathological microorganisms.

Air Traveler: someone who travels by airplane.

Globetrotter: someone who travels widely and often.

Rafter: someone who travels by raft.

Holidaymaker: someone who travels for pleasure.

Automobilist: someone who drives (or travels in) an automobile.

Runner: someone who travels on foot by running.

Scourer: someone who travels widely and energetically.

Barrel: a tube through which a bullet travels when a gun is fired.

Course: a line or route along which something travels or moves.

Adventurer: someone who travels into little known regions (especially for some scientific purpose).

Bagman: a salesman who travels to call on customers.

Hawker: someone who travels about selling his wares (as on the streets or at carnivals).

Carriageway: one of the two sides of a motorway where traffic travels in one direction only usually in two or three lanes.

Commuter: someone who travels regularly from home in a suburb to work in a city.

Migrator: an animal (especially birds and fish) that travels between different habitats at particular times of the year.

Harness Horse: horse used for pulling vehicles.

Related Words

Passenger : مسافر

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