Inherently Inherent Aptitude Inherent Inhere Inharmoniousness Inharmonic Inhaler Inhale Inherit Inheritable Inheritance Inheritance Tax Inherited Inherited Disease Inherited Disorder Inheritor Inheritress Inheritrix Inhibit Inhibition

Inherit meaning in Urdu

Inherit Sentences

I inherited my good eyesight from my mother.
I inherited a castle from my French grandparents.

Inherit Definitions

1 of 2) Inherit : ورثے میں پانا : (verb) obtain from someone after their death.


2 of 2) Inherit : ورثے میں پانا : (verb) receive by genetic transmission.

Useful Words

Disinheritance : عاق کرنے کا عمل , Heir : وارث , Heir Presumptive : ممکنہ وارث , Heir-At-Law : قانونی وارث , Adoption : گود لینے کا عمل , Cadge : مفت میں لینا , Derive : حاصل کرنا , Take : جیتنا , Eke Out : مشقت سے حاصل کرنا , Come By : اتفاقاً پانا , Extort : جبرً ا چھین لینا , Lose : محروم ہونا , Patent : سند حق ایجاد حاصل کرنا , Beg : بھیک مانگنا , Extort : بھتہ لینا , Advance : فائدہ حاصل کرنا , Subscribe : روز حاصل کرنا , Collect : جمع کرنا , Cost : قیمت , Finance : کسی کام کے لئےرقم دینا , Express : دبا کر نکالنا , Canvas : رائے طلب کرنا , Wrest : چھیننا , Access : رسائی , Trapper : پھندے سے شکار کرنے والا , Accommodative : مصالحتی , Buy : خریدنا , Access : کمپیوٹر ڈسک سے ڈیٹا لینا , Well : کنواں , Measure : ناپ , Blood Heat : جسمانی حرارت

Useful Words Definitions

Disinheritance: the act by a donor that terminates the right of a person to inherit.

Heir: a person who is entitled by law or by the terms of a will to inherit the estate of another.

Heir Presumptive: a person who expects to inherit but whose right can be defeated by the birth of a nearer relative.

Heir-At-Law: the person legally entitled to inherit the property of someone who dies intestate.

Adoption: a legal proceeding that creates a parent-child relation between persons not related by blood; the adopted child is entitled to all privileges belonging to a natural child of the adoptive parents (including the right to inherit).

Cadge: obtain or seek to obtain by cadging or wheedling.

Derive: obtain.

Take: obtain by winning.

Eke Out: obtain with difficulty.

Come By: obtain, especially accidentally.

Extort: obtain through intimidation.

Lose: fail to get or obtain.

Patent: obtain a patent for.

Beg: ask to obtain free.

Extort: obtain by coercion or intimidation.

Advance: obtain advantages, such as points, etc.

Subscribe: receive or obtain regularly.

Collect: call for and obtain payment of.

Cost: value measured by what must be given or done or undergone to obtain something.

Finance: obtain or provide money for.

Express: obtain from a substance, as by mechanical action.

Canvas: obtain people`s opinions through precise questioning.

Wrest: obtain by seizing forcibly or violently, also metaphorically.

Access: the right to obtain or make use of or take advantage of something (as services or membership).

Trapper: someone who sets traps for animals (usually to obtain their furs).

Accommodative: willing to adjust to differences in order to obtain agreement.

Buy: obtain by purchase; acquire by means of a financial transaction.

Access: obtain or retrieve from a storage device; as of information on a computer.

Well: a deep hole or shaft dug or drilled to obtain water or oil or gas or brine.

Measure: a container of some standard capacity that is used to obtain fixed amounts of a substance.

Blood Heat: temperature of the body; normally 98.6 F or 37 C in humans; usually measured to obtain a quick evaluation of a person's health.

Related Words

Have : لینا , Acquire : پانا
