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اِشتَعال : Ishtiaal Meaning in English

Ishtiaal Synonyms


Ishtiaal in Detail

1 of 6) اشتعال غضب : Enragement Infuriation : (noun) a feeling of intense anger.

2 of 6) طیش اشتعال : Aggravation Irritation Provocation : (noun) unfriendly behavior that causes anger or resentment.

3 of 6) اشتعال دھکیلنے کا عمل : Actuation Propulsion : (noun) the act of propelling.

4 of 6) اشتعال : Inflaming Inflammation : (noun) arousal to violent emotion.

5 of 6) اشتعال : Aggravation Exasperation : (noun) an exasperated feeling of annoyance.

6 of 6) اشتعال : Combustion : (noun) a state of violent disturbance and excitement.

Useful Words

غصہ : Anger : a strong emotion; a feeling that is oriented toward some real or supposed grievance. "Such anger is not good".

چال چلن : Behavior : manner of acting or controlling yourself. "You are recognized by what you wear and by your behavior with folks".

قائل کرنا : Cause : cause to do; cause to act in a specified manner. "The induced me for fake collision to obtain money fraudulently from insurance companies".

احساس : Feeling : the experiencing of affective and emotional states. "No feeling no mercy".

شدید : Intense : possessing or displaying a distinctive feature to a heightened degree. "Intense heat".

تعصب : Bitterness : a feeling of deep and bitter anger and ill-will.

آسانی سے نہ سمھج میں آنے والا : Unfriendly : not easy to understand or use. "User-unfriendly".
