اسطخودوس : Istakhudos Meaning in English
Istakhudos in Detail
1) اسطخودوس نیلا جامنی خوشبودار پھول : Lavender : (noun) any of various Old World aromatic shrubs or subshrubs with usually mauve or blue flowers; widely cultivated.
Useful Words
کوئی : Any : to any degree or extent. "It isn`t any great thing".
خوشبو دار : Aromatic : having a strong pleasant odor. "The pine woods were more redolent".
اعلی نسبی : Aristocratic : belonging to or characteristic of the nobility or aristocracy. "A blue-blooded family".
کاشت کردہ : Cultivated : (of land or fields) prepared for raising crops by plowing or fertilizing. "Cultivated land".
پھول : Flower : a plant cultivated for its blooms or blossoms. "Sajid, take these flowers back".
ضعیف بوڑھا : Old : (used especially of persons) having lived for a relatively long time or attained a specific age. "You are never too old to learn".
جھاڑی : Bush : a low woody perennial plant usually having several major stems. "The dog hidden behind the bush".
جھڑ بوٹی : Subshrub : low-growing woody shrub or perennial with woody base.
عام طور پر : Commonly : under normal conditions. "Usually she was late".
وسیع دائرے میں : Widely : to a great degree. "Her work is widely known".
دنیا : Earth : the 3rd planet from the sun; the planet we live on. "When I told her that I am from Pakistan, so she insulted me by asking me where it is on the globe?".