GalaiSaranBusidgiTandrustiGhizaayat BakhshiGhizaayatSood MandiItminanMuzoun Honay Ki...NaqabilNaqabool Paz E ...FarsoodgiGhair Mamuli PanAchanakNagahaniNawaqfiyatAjeeb RawiyaFiqrha BaziPehbti

اِطمینان : Itminan Meaning in English

Itminan Sentence

Itminan Synonyms


Itminan in Detail

1 of 11) اطمینان سکون : Placidity Quiet Repose Serenity Tranquility Tranquillity : (noun) a disposition free from stress or emotion.

2 of 11) اطمینان : Contentment : (noun) happiness with one's situation in life.

3 of 11) تسلی اطمینان : Satisfactoriness : (noun) the quality of giving satisfaction sufficient to meet a demand or requirement.

4 of 11) ضبط نفس اطمینان سکون : Aplomb Assuredness Cool Poise Sang-Froid : (noun) great coolness and composure under strain.

5 of 11) اطمینان : Coolness Imperturbability Imperturbableness : (noun) calm and unruffled self-assurance.

6 of 11) اطمینان سکوت : Dormancy Quiescence Quiescency : (noun) a state of quiet (but possibly temporary) inaction.

7 of 11) تسلی اطمینان : Satisfaction : (noun) the contentment one feels when one has fulfilled a desire, need, or expectation.

8 of 11) اطمینان : Complacence Complacency Self-Complacency Self-Satisfaction : (noun) the feeling you have when you are satisfied with yourself.

9 of 11) سکون خاموشی اطمینان : Quiet Tranquility Tranquillity : (noun) an untroubled state; free from disturbances.

10 of 11) اطمینان تسکین : Gratification Satisfaction : (noun) state of being gratified or satisfied.

11 of 11) اطمینان : Comfort : (noun) a feeling of freedom from worry or disappointment.

Useful Words

مزاج : Disposition : your usual mood. "He has good temperament".

جذبات : Emotion : any strong feeling. "I respect your emotions".

فارغ : Free : not taken up by scheduled activities. "Are you free right now ?".

خوشی : Felicity : state of well-being characterized by emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy.

زندگی : Life : the experience of being alive; the course of human events and activities. "Life is the name of pain and pleasure".

ایک : 1 : used of a single unit or thing; not two or more. "`ane` is Scottish".

حالات : Situation : the general state of things; the combination of circumstances at a given time. "The situation is better now that terrorism has been eradicated in Karachi".

تاکید کرنا : Accent : to stress, single out as important. "Nowadays mostly people emphasizing on working online from home instead of going out".

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