جلا بُھنا : Jala Buhna Meaning in English
Jala Buhna in Detail
1) جلا بھنا روکھا روکھا پن : Sulk Sulkiness : (noun) a mood or display of sullen aloofness or withdrawal.
Useful Words
دوری : Aloofness : indifference by personal withdrawal. "Emotional distance".
ظاہر کرنا : Display : to show, make visible or apparent. "The Metropolitan Museum is exhibiting Goya's works this month".
مزاج : Humor : a characteristic (habitual or relatively temporary) state of feeling. "Strong sense of humor is a sign of intelligence".
بد مزاج : Dark : showing a brooding ill humor. "A dark scowl".
دستبردار ہونا : Backdown : a retraction of a previously held position. "He made a withdrawal".