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جھِلّی دار پَنجہ : Jhilli Dar Panja Meaning in English


Jhilli Dar Panja in Detail

1 of 3) جھلی دار پنجہ : Webbed : (adjective) (of the feet of some animals) having the digits connected by a thin fold of skin.

2 of 3) جھلی دار پنجہ : Webfoot : (noun) a foot having the toes connected by folds of skin.

3 of 3) جھلی دار پنجہ : Web-Footed Web-Toed : (satellite adjective) having feet with webbed toes.

Useful Words

حیوانی : Animal : marked by the appetites and passions of the body. "Animal instincts".

وابستہ : Affiliated : being joined in close association. "Affiliated partner".

عدد : Digit : one of the elements that collectively form a system of numeration. "0 and 1 are digits".

موڑنا : Fold : bend or lay so that one part covers the other. "Fold up the newspaper".

پاوں : Foot : the part of the leg of a human being below the ankle joint. "Sorry my foot".

چھلکا : Peel : the rind of a fruit or vegetable. "Remove the skin".

تھوڑا : Some : relatively much but unspecified in amount or extent. "May I have some words with you?".

وزن کم کرنا : Lose Weight : take off weight. "No one buys gold due to high prices but goldsmiths have decided that the price of gold will be reduced to run business".

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