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Jocularity meaning in Urdu

Jocularity Synonyms


Jocularity Definitions

1 of 3) Jocularity, Jocundity : زندہ دلی : (noun) a feeling facetious merriment.

2 of 3) Jocularity, Jocosity : مزاح : (noun) fun characterized by humor.

3 of 3) Jocularity, Jest, Joke : مذاق : (noun) activity characterized by good humor.

Useful Words

Jestingly : مذاق کرتے ہوئے , Glee : مسرت , Gay : ہنس مکھ , Witty : خوش پوش , Light : چمک , Hilarious : ہنسی مذاق سے بھرپور , Pleasantness : مرغوبیت , Hungry : بھوکا , Nauseated : متلی , Ballottement : تشخیص حمل کا ایک طریقہ , Detached : الگ تھلگ , Gaiety : مسرت , Exultation : خوشی کا احساس , Insight : سمجھ , Oppression : ظلم , Warmheartedness : گرم جوشی کا احساس , Appetence : خواہش , Malice : کینہ , Complacence : اطمینان , Dejectedness : افسردگی , Elation : بہت خوش , Humbleness : انکساری , Care : خوف , Enthusiasm : ولولہ , Bubble Over : بلبلانا , Boding : اندیشہ , Expectation : امکان , Caring : محبت کا احساس , Hardhearted : احساس سے خالی , Ashamedly : شرمندگی کے ساتھ , Confidence : بھروسہ

Useful Words Definitions

Jestingly: in jest.

Glee: great merriment.

Gay: full of or showing high-spirited merriment.

Witty: combining clever conception and facetious expression.

Light: merriment expressed by a brightness or gleam or animation of countenance.

Hilarious: marked by or causing boisterous merriment or convulsive laughter.

Pleasantness: the feeling caused by agreeable stimuli; one pole of a continuum of states of feeling.

Hungry: feeling hunger; feeling a need or desire to eat food.

Nauseated: feeling nausea; feeling about to vomit.

Ballottement: a palpatory technique for feeling a floating object in the body (especially for determining the position of a fetus by feeling the rebound of the fetus after a quick digital tap on the wall of the uterus).

Detached: being or feeling set or kept apart from others.

Gaiety: a gay feeling.

Exultation: a feeling of extreme joy.

Insight: a feeling of understanding.

Oppression: a feeling of being oppressed.

Warmheartedness: a warmhearted feeling.

Appetence: a feeling of craving something.

Malice: feeling a need to see others suffer.

Complacence: the feeling you have when you are satisfied with yourself.

Dejectedness: a feeling of low spirits.

Elation: a feeling of joy and pride.

Humbleness: a humble feeling.

Care: an anxious feeling.

Enthusiasm: a feeling of excitement.

Bubble Over: overflow with a certain feeling.

Boding: a feeling of evil to come.

Expectation: the feeling that something is about to happen.

Caring: a loving feeling.

Hardhearted: devoid of feeling for others.

Ashamedly: with a feeling of shame.

Confidence: a feeling of trust (in someone or something).

Related Words

Diversion : تفریح , Pleasantry : مسرت

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