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کَم رُتبہ : Kam Rutbha Meaning in English

Kam Rutbha in Detail

1) ادنی کم رتبہ : Inferior : (noun) one of lesser rank or station or quality.


Useful Words

کم تر : Lesser : smaller in size or amount or value. "The lesser powers of Europe".

ایک : 1 : used of a single unit or thing; not two or more. "`ane` is Scottish".

خوبی : Character : a characteristic property that defines the apparent individual nature of something. "What quality does it possess ?".

زر خیز : Rank : very fertile; producing profuse growth. "Rank earth".

جگہ : Station : a facility equipped with special equipment and personnel for a particular purpose. "He started looking for a gas station".

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