کَثیف اشیاء کو الَگ کَرنے کا آلَہ : Kaseef Asiya Ko Alag Karnay Ka Aala Meaning in English
Kaseef Asiya Ko Alag Karnay Ka Aala in Detail
1) افزودہ کرنے کا آلہ کثیف اشیاء کو الگ کرنے کا آلہ : Centrifugate Centrifuge : (verb) rotate at very high speed in order to separate the liquids from the solids.
Useful Words
زیادہ : High : a lofty level or position or degree. "You are bidding high".
رقیق مائع : Liquid : a substance that is liquid at room temperature and pressure.
حکم دینا : Enjoin : give instructions to or direct somebody to do something with authority. "I said to him to go home".
چکر کاٹنا : Go Around : turn on or around an axis or a center. "The Earth revolves around the Sun".
بچھڑ جانا : Break : discontinue an association or relation; go different ways. "Can I live, having separated from you".
ٹھوس : Solid : matter that is solid at room temperature and pressure.
رفتار : Speed : distance travelled per unit time.
بہت زیادہ : Rattling : used as intensifiers; `real` is sometimes used informally for `really`; `rattling` is informal. "He played a very well game".