کِیل ٹہونک کر لگان : Kel Thonk Kar Lagan Meaning in English
Kel Thonk Kar Lagan Sentence
Kel Thonk Kar Lagan in Detail
1) ٹہونکنا کیل ٹہونک کر لگان : Nail : (verb) attach something somewhere by means of nails.
Useful Words
منسلک کرنا : Attach : cause to be attached.
کمینہ : Bastardly : of no value or worth. "Her mother live with another man in US and harass her as well, he is so mean".
ناخن : Nail : horny plate covering and protecting part of the dorsal surface of the digits. "What sort of nails are these?".
کوئی چیز : Something : An undetermined or unspecified thing. "Lets have something".
کہیں : Somewhere : an indefinite or unknown location. "She is lost somewhere".