Kelp meaning in Urdu
Kelp Sentences
Kelp Definitions
1) Kelp : دریائی گھاس, سمندری گھاس : (noun) large brown seaweeds having fluted leathery fronds.
Useful Words
Aglaomorpha Meyeniana : فلپائنی جھاڑی , Adder's Fern : مار زبان ایک جنگلی پودا , Acrostichum Aureum : سنہری جھاڑی , American Bison : بھینس , Cola Acuminata : ایک درخت جس پر کولہ پھل لگتا ہے , Grifola Frondosa : درخت کی چھال , Hepatic : ایک قسم کا چھوٹا پودا , Atomic Number 29 : پیتل , Butternut : شمال امریکہ میں پایا جانے والا اخروٹ کا درخت , Hexalectris Warnockii : بے پتہ پودا , Liver : کلیجا , Holly Fern : جھاڑیوں کی قسم , Heteropterous Insect : پر والا کیڑا , Boulder Fern : خوشبودار جھاڑی , Garcinia Mangostana : مشرقی انڈیا کا ایک درخت , Family Hippocastanaceae : ناقابل تناول میوے کے پیڑ پودے , Evergreen Cherry : جنگلی آلوچہ , Bug : کھٹمل , Evergreen Winterberry : امریکہ میں پائی جانے والی سیاہ بیری , Allamanda Cathartica : امریکی سدا بہار پودا , Jojoba Oil : جوجوبا تیل , Fern : بے پھول پودا , Genip : میٹھے پھل والا امریکی پیڑ , Arbutus Menziesii : ایک قسم کی سدابہار جھاڑی , Dermochelys Coriacea : ایک بڑا کچھوا جس کا خول سخت ہوتا ہے , Acocanthera Oblongifolia : گل یخ ژاپنی , Caoutchouc Tree : ایمازونی ربڑ کا درخت , Bulldozer : بلڈوزر , Mangifera Indica : آم کا درخت , Staghound : کتوں کی ایک نسل , China Rose : چینی گلاب
Useful Words Definitions
Aglaomorpha Meyeniana: epiphytic fern with large fronds; Taiwan and Philippines.
Adder's Fern: mat-forming lithophytic or terrestrial fern with creeping rootstocks and large pinnatifid fronds found throughout North America and Europe and Africa and east Asia.
Acrostichum Aureum: stout tropical swamp fern (especially tropical America) having large fronds with golden yellow sporangia covering the undersides.
American Bison: large shaggy-haired brown bison of North American plains.
Cola Acuminata: tree bearing large brown nuts containing e.g. caffeine; source of cola extract.
Grifola Frondosa: large greyish-brown edible fungus forming a mass of overlapping caps that somewhat resembles a hen at the base of trees.
Hepatic: any of numerous small green nonvascular plants of the class Hepaticopsida growing in wet places and resembling green seaweeds or leafy mosses.
Atomic Number 29: a ductile malleable reddish-brown corrosion-resistant diamagnetic metallic element; occurs in various minerals but is the only metal that occurs abundantly in large masses; used as an electrical and thermal conductor.
Butternut: North American walnut tree having light-brown wood and edible nuts; source of a light-brown dye.
Hexalectris Warnockii: orchid with slender nearly leafless reddish-brown stems with loose racemes of reddish-brown flowers; of open brushy woods of southeastern Arizona and central Texas.
Liver: large and complicated reddish-brown glandular organ located in the upper right portion of the abdominal cavity; secretes bile and functions in metabolism of protein and carbohydrate and fat; synthesizes substances involved in the clotting of the blood; synthesizes vitamin A; detoxifies poisonous substances and breaks down worn-out erythrocytes.
Holly Fern: any of various ferns of the genus Polystichum having fronds with texture and gloss like holly.
Heteropterous Insect: true bugs: insects whose forewings are membranous but have leathery tips.
Boulder Fern: fern of eastern North America with pale green fronds and an aroma like hay.
Garcinia Mangostana: East Indian tree with thick leathery leaves and edible fruit.
Family Hippocastanaceae: trees having showy flowers and inedible nutlike seeds in a leathery capsule.
Evergreen Cherry: California evergreen wild plum with spiny leathery leaves and white flowers.
Bug: insects with sucking mouthparts and forewings thickened and leathery at the base; usually show incomplete metamorphosis.
Evergreen Winterberry: evergreen holly of eastern North America with oblong leathery leaves and small black berries.
Allamanda Cathartica: vigorous evergreen climbing plant of South America having glossy leathery foliage and golden yellow flowers.
Jojoba Oil: an oil extracted from the seeds of an American leathery-leaved evergreen shrub used in cosmetics. Jojoba oil 30ml price in Pakistan is about 400 RS.
Fern: any of numerous flowerless and seedless vascular plants having true roots from a rhizome and fronds that uncurl upward; reproduce by spores.
Genip: tropical American tree bearing a small edible fruit with green leathery skin and sweet juicy translucent pulp.
Arbutus Menziesii: evergreen tree of the Pacific coast of North America having glossy leathery leaves and orange-red edible berries; wood used for furniture and bark for tanning.
Dermochelys Coriacea: wide-ranging marine turtle with flexible leathery carapace; largest living turtle.
Acocanthera Oblongifolia: medium-sized shrubby tree of South Africa having thick leathery evergreen leaves and white or pink flowers and globose usually two-seeded purplish black fruits.
Caoutchouc Tree: deciduous tree of the Amazon and Orinoco Rivers having leathery leaves and fragrant yellow-white flowers; it yields a milky juice that is the chief source of commercial rubber.
Bulldozer: large powerful tractor; a large blade in front flattens areas of ground.
Mangifera Indica: large evergreen tropical tree cultivated for its large oval fruit.
Staghound: a large heavy hound formerly used in hunting stags and other large game; similar to but larger than a foxhound.
China Rose: large showy Asiatic shrub or small tree having large single or double red to deep-red flowers.