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کیڑوں سے مُتعلِّق : Keroun Se Mutaliq Meaning in English


Keroun Se Mutaliq in Detail

1 of 2) کیڑوں سے متعلق : Vermicular Vermiculate Vermiculated : (satellite adjective) decorated with wormlike tracery or markings.

2 of 2) کیڑوں سے متعلق : Verminous : (satellite adjective) of the nature of vermin; very offensive or repulsive.

Useful Words

سجا ہوا : Adorned : provided with something intended to increase its beauty or distinction.

نشان : Mark : a distinguishing symbol. "The owner's mark was on all the sheep".

عادت : Nature : the complex of emotional and intellectual attributes that determine a person`s characteristic actions and reactions. "He is bound to his nature".

حملہ : Offence : the action of attacking an enemy. "Offensive launched by army".

ناگوار : Abhorrent : offensive to the mind. "An abhorrent deed".

پتھر کے کٹاوٴ کا آرائشی کام : Tracery : decoration consisting of an open pattern of interlacing ribs.

چھوٹے میمل جانور : Vermin : any of various small animals or insects that are pests; e.g. cockroaches or rats. "Cereals must be protected from mice and other vermin".

بہت زیادہ : Rattling : used as intensifiers; `real` is sometimes used informally for `really`; `rattling` is informal. "He played a very well game".

ادنی : Cringing : totally submissive.

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