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خبردار رہنا : Khbrdar Rehna Meaning in English

Khbrdar Rehna Sentences

Khbrdar Rehna in Detail

1) ہوشیار رہنا خبردار رہنا : Beware Mind : (verb) be on one`s guard; be cautious or wary about; be alert to.


Useful Words

تقریباً : About : (of quantities) imprecise but fairly close to correct. "My clothes were not ironed due to lack of electricity I will be there by eight o`clock approximately".

چوکس : Alert : engaged in or accustomed to close observation. "Caught by a couple of alert cops".

محافظ : Guard : a person who keeps watch over something or someone.

ایک : 1 : used of a single unit or thing; not two or more. "`ane` is Scottish".

ہوشیار : Wary : marked by keen caution and watchful prudence. "They were wary in their movements".

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