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کِسی ریاست کے شُمالی حِصّے سے ظاہِر کرنے والا : Kisi Riasat Kay Sahmali Hissay Se Zahir Karnay Wala Meaning in English

Kisi Riasat Kay Sahmali Hissay Se Zahir Karnay Wala in Detail

1) کسی ریاست کے شمالی حصے سے ظاہر کرنے والا : Upstate : (adverb) in or toward the northern parts of a state.


Useful Words

شمالی طرف واقع : Northerly : situated in or oriented toward the north. "The northern suburbs".

حصہ : Component : something determined in relation to something that includes it. "He wanted to feel a part of something bigger than himself".

حالت : State : the way something is with respect to its main attributes. "Overthinking ruined his mental state".

طرف : Toward : in the direction of. "If Allah wills, Pakistan will move towards success in the times to come".

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