کسی سطح پر دھاریوں کا اِضافہ کرنےکا عمل : Kisi Satha Par Dhareyoun Ka Izafa Karnayka Amal Meaning in English
Kisi Satha Par Dhareyoun Ka Izafa Karnayka Amal in Detail
1) کسی سطح پر دھاریوں کا اضافہ کرنےکا عمل : Striping : (noun) the act of marking with stripes.
Useful Words
کام : Act : something that people do or cause to happen. "Whose act is this?".
نشان : Mark : a distinguishing symbol. "The owner's mark was on all the sheep".
فوجی نشان : Stripe : a piece of braid, usually on the sleeve, indicating military rank or length of service.