Be HudaWaheyatKufarNagawari Ki AwazOwlShoor KarnaChikhnaChalana LanatMandak Ki Tarha...TartarPukarDard Bhari Chee...Cheekh O PukarKuttay Ki C AwazQahqahaKhisiyani HansiZor Dar HansiHanhanahatDeen Ki Be Hurmati

لٰعنت : Lanat Meaning in English

Lanat Sentences

Lanat Synonyms


Lanat in Detail

1 of 3) لعنت : Curse Curse Word Cuss Expletive Oath Swearing Swearword : (noun) profane or obscene expression usually of surprise or anger.

2 of 3) لعنت : Damnation : (noun) the act of damning.

3 of 3) بد دعا لعنت : Anathema : (noun) a formal ecclesiastical curse accompanied by excommunication.

Useful Words

کام : Act : something that people do or cause to happen. "Whose act is this?".

غصہ : Anger : a strong emotion; a feeling that is oriented toward some real or supposed grievance. "Such anger is not good".

تاثر : Aspect : the feelings expressed on a person`s face. "Very positive expression".

کفریہ : Blasphemous : characterized by profanity or cursing. "Don`t say profane words".

حیرت انگیز بات : Surprise : the astonishment you feel when something totally unexpected happens to you. "Ali was supposed to get back to Karachi from USA after a week but came back next day and gave surprise to his family".

عام طور پر : Commonly : under normal conditions. "Usually she was late".

دام زیادہ لگا رہے ہو