لیٹر بکس : Leter Baks Meaning in English
Leter Baks in Detail
1 of 2) لیٹر بکس : Pillar Box : (noun) a red pillar-shaped letter box.
2 of 2) لیٹر بکس : Letter Box Mailbox Postbox : (noun) public box for deposit of mail.
Useful Words
ڈبے میں ڈالنا : Box : put into a box. "Box the gift, please".
امانت : Deposit : Something given for safekeeping. "If your bank account has not been open yet so don`t give this huge amount to Aslam as deposit He always betrays the trust".
مراسلہ : Letter : a written message addressed to a person or organization. "Get the letter written".
ڈاک بیجھنا : Mail : The parcels of letters and packages conveyed by the postal service.
ستون : Pillar : a fundamental principle or practice. "Science eroded the pillars of superstition".
عوامی : Public : not private; open to or concerning the people as a whole. "The public good".
سرخی مائل : Blood-Red : of a color at the end of the color spectrum (next to orange); resembling the color of blood or cherries or tomatoes or rubies.
ٹہوک کر بنائی کئی شئے : Molded : shaped to fit by or as if by altering the contours of a pliable mass (as by work or effort). "A shaped handgrip".