Longfellow Longevity Longest Longer Longed-For Longboat Longanimity Long-Windedness Longhand Longhorn Longing Longingly Longish Longitude Longitudinal Longitudinally Longlegs Longshoreman Longsighted Longsightedness

Longhand meaning in Urdu

Longhand Sentence

Longhand writing.

Longhand Synonyms


Longhand Definitions

1 of 2) Longhand, Cursive, Cursive Script, Running Hand : رواں خط : (noun) rapid handwriting in which letters are set down in full and are cursively connected within words without lifting the writing implement from the paper.

2 of 2) Longhand : ہاتھ کی لکھائی : (satellite adjective) having words written out in full by hand.

Useful Words

Notepaper : وہ کاغذ جس پر لکھا جائے , Hieratic : قدیم مصری رسم الخط , Letter Paper : ورق و لفافہ , Crayon : رنگین موم کی پنسل , Italic : ترچھی طباعت , Legibility : خوش خطی , Pen : قلم , Marker : نشان لگانے والا , Pitchfork : ترنگل , Shovel : پھاوڑا , Ligate : ملا کر لکھنا , 831 : مجھے تم سے محبت ہے , Inscription : کتبہ , Acronym : مخفف , Pencil : موقلم , Inscription : کندہ کاری , Spelling : ہجے , Piece Of Paper : کاغذ کا ٹکڑا , Four-Letter Anglo-Saxon Word : چار الفاظوں والا لفظ , Snap : چٹکی , Wove Paper : صاف کاغذ , Toccata : مشق نغمہ , Conciseness : اختصار , Bond : بانڈ دستاویز , Active : چلتا ہوا , Hebraic Alphabet : عبرانی حرف , Rice Paper : چینی کاغذ , Electronic Paper : برقی ورق , Carbon : کاربن کاغذ , Compound Morphology : لفظوں کا ملاپ , Calligraphy : خطاطی

Useful Words Definitions

Notepaper: writing paper intended for writing short notes or letters.

Hieratic: a cursive form of Egyptian hieroglyphics; used especially by the priests.

Letter Paper: paper cut to an appropriate size for writing letters; usually with matching envelopes.

Crayon: writing implement consisting of a colored stick of composition wax used for writing and drawing.

Italic: a style of handwriting with the letters slanting to the right.

Legibility: a quality of writing (print or handwriting) that can be easily read.

Pen: a writing implement with a point from which ink flows.

Marker: a writing implement for making a mark.

Pitchfork: a long-handled hand tool with sharp widely spaced prongs for lifting and pitching hay.

Shovel: a hand tool for lifting loose material; consists of a curved container or scoop and a handle.

Ligate: join letters in a ligature when writing.

831: I Love You (8 letters, 3 words, 1 meaning).

Inscription: letters inscribed (especially words engraved or carved) on something.

Acronym: a word formed from the initial letters of the several words in the name.

Pencil: a thin cylindrical pointed writing implement; a rod of marking substance encased in wood.

Inscription: the activity of inscribing (especially carving or engraving) letters or words.

Spelling: forming words with letters according to the principles underlying accepted usage.

Piece Of Paper: paper used for writing or printing.

Four-Letter Anglo-Saxon Word: any of several short English words (often having 4 letters) generally regarded as obscene or offensive.

Snap: the noise produced by the rapid movement of a finger from the tip to the base of the thumb on the same hand.

Wove Paper: writing paper having a very faint mesh pattern.

Toccata: a baroque musical composition (usually for a keyboard instrument) with full chords and rapid elaborate runs in a rhythmically free style.

Conciseness: terseness and economy in writing and speaking achieved by expressing a great deal in just a few words.

Bond: a superior quality of strong durable white writing paper; originally made for printing documents.

Active: (used of verbs (e.g. `to run`) and participial adjectives (e.g. `running` in `running water`)) expressing action rather than a state of being.

Hebraic Alphabet: a Semitic alphabet used since the 5th century BC for writing the Hebrew language (and later for writing Yiddish and Ladino).

Rice Paper: a thin delicate material resembling paper; made from the rice-paper tree.

Electronic Paper: An electronic paper display (EPD) is an electrically-charged surface that replicates the look and experience of ink on paper.

Carbon: a thin paper coated on one side with a dark waxy substance (often containing carbon); used to transfer characters from the original to an under sheet of paper.

Compound Morphology: the part of grammar that deals with combinations of simple words into compound words.

Calligraphy: beautiful handwriting.

Related Words

Hand : ہاتھ کی لکھائی , Written : لکھا ہوا

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