Maggot meaning in Urdu
Maggot Definitions
1) Maggot : مکھی کا بچہ : (noun) the larva of the housefly and blowfly commonly found in decaying organic matter.
Useful Words
Mold : پھپہوندی , Humus : نباتی کھاد , Compost Heap : نباتاتی کھاد کا ڈھیر , Loam : زرخیز زمین , Mildew : پھپھوندی , Holozoic : غذا ہضم کرنے والا , Abiogenesis : مردہ سے زندہ بنانے کا کرشمہ , Charcoal : لکڑی کا کوئلہ , Activate : ہوا لگانا , Bacillus Globigii : بیکالوس جرثومہ , Fungus : سماروغ , Lipid : چربی , Tree Surgery : درختوں کا علاج , Compost : سڑی سبزیوں کی کھاد , Decay : خرابی , Wiggler : مچھر کا لاروا , Mealworm : ایک قسم کا کیڑا , Glowworm : جگنو , Grub : کیڑوں کا بچہ , Caseworm : غلافی مگس , Pupa : کیڑوں کی تیسری تولیدی حالت , Caterpillar : سنڈی , Corn Earworm : مکئی کپاس اور ٹماٹر وں پر لگنے والی سنڈی , Caddisworm : اناجی پودوں کو لگ جانے والا کیڑا , Jumping Bean : ایک قسم کی پھلی , Accustomed : حسب معمول , Orthodox : تقلید پسند , Commonness : عمومیت , Extraordinariness : غیر معمولی پن , Mantra : بار بار پڑھے جانے والے الفاظ , Adenoidectomy : تالو کے غدود کی جراحی
Useful Words Definitions
Mold: a fungus that produces a superficial growth on various kinds of damp or decaying organic matter.
Humus: partially decomposed organic matter; the organic component of soil.
Compost Heap: a heap of manure and vegetation and other organic residues that are decaying to become compost.
Loam: a rich soil consisting of a mixture of sand and clay and decaying organic materials.
Mildew: a fungus that produces a superficial (usually white) growth on organic matter.
Holozoic: obtaining nourishment as animals do by ingesting complex organic matter.
Abiogenesis: a hypothetical organic phenomenon by which living organisms are created from nonliving matter.
Charcoal: a carbonaceous material obtained by heating wood or other organic matter in the absence of air.
Activate: aerate (sewage) so as to favor the growth of organisms that decompose organic matter.
Bacillus Globigii: a species of bacillus found in soil and decomposing organic matter; some strains produce antibiotics.
Fungus: an organism of the kingdom Fungi lacking chlorophyll and feeding on organic matter; ranging from unicellular or multicellular organisms to spore-bearing syncytia.
Lipid: an oily organic compound insoluble in water but soluble in organic solvents; essential structural component of living cells (along with proteins and carbohydrates).
Tree Surgery: treatment of damaged or decaying trees.
Compost: a mixture of decaying vegetation and manure; used as a fertilizer.
Decay: an inferior state resulting from the process of decaying.
Wiggler: larva of a mosquito.
Mealworm: the larva of beetles of the family Tenebrionidae.
Glowworm: the luminous larva or wingless grub-like female of a firefly.
Grub: a soft thick wormlike larva of certain beetles and other insects.
Caseworm: insect larva that constructs a protective case around its body.
Pupa: an insect in the inactive stage of development (when it is not feeding) intermediate between larva and adult.
Caterpillar: a wormlike and often brightly colored and hairy or spiny larva of a butterfly or moth.
Corn Earworm: larva of a noctuid moth; highly destructive to especially corn and cotton and tomato crops.
Caddisworm: larva of the caddis fly; constructs a case of silk covered with sand or plant debris.
Jumping Bean: seed of Mexican shrubs of the genus Sebastiana containing the larva of a moth whose movements cause the bean to jerk or tumble.
Accustomed: commonly used or practiced; usual.
Orthodox: adhering to what is commonly accepted.
Commonness: the state of being that is commonly observed.
Extraordinariness: the quality of being extraordinary and not commonly encountered.
Mantra: a commonly repeated word or phrase.
Adenoidectomy: surgical removal of the adenoids; commonly performed along with tonsillectomy.