ماہِر کاریگَر : Mahir Karigar Meaning in English
Mahir Karigar Synonyms
Mahir Karigar in Detail
1 of 3) ماہر کاریگر : Skilled Worker Skilled Workman Trained Worker : (noun) a worker who has acquired special skills.
2 of 3) دست کار ماہر کاریگر کاریگر : Artificer Artisan Craftsman Journeyman : (noun) a skilled worker who practices some trade or handicraft.
3 of 3) ماہر کاریگر : Craftsman : (noun) a professional whose work is consistently of high quality.
Useful Words
کسی وجہ سے پڑنے والا اثر : Acquired : gotten through environmental forces. "Acquired characteristics (such as a suntan or a broken nose) cannot be passed on".
اہلیت : Accomplishment : an ability that has been acquired by training. "I saw an advertisement in the newspaper that we need a young energetic man for merchant navy who is skilled in swimming".
مخصوص : Especial : surpassing what is common or usual or expected. "He paid especial attention to her".
مزدور : Worker : a person who works at a specific occupation. "He is a good worker".