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معمولی شئے : Mamuli Shiay Meaning in English


Mamuli Shiay in Detail

1) بیکار سی شے کم درجے کی شے معمولی شئے : Bagatelle Fluff Frippery Frivolity : (noun) something of little value or significance.

Useful Words

ذرا سا : Little : (quantifier used with mass nouns) small in quantity or degree; not much or almost none or (with `a`) at least some. "Little time is left".

اہمیت : Significance : the quality of being significant. "Do not underestimate the significance of nuclear power".

کوئی چیز : Something : An undetermined or unspecified thing. "Lets have something".

قدر : Value : a numerical quantity measured or assigned or computed. "Migrate to turkey with your family Pakistanis are valued there because they are considered honest".

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