منادی : Manadi Meaning in English
Manadi in Detail
1) منادی اشاعت تشہیر : Announcement Promulgation : (noun) a public statement containing information about an event that has happened or is going to happen.
Useful Words
تقریباً : About : (of quantities) imprecise but fairly close to correct. "My clothes were not ironed due to lack of electricity I will be there by eight o`clock approximately".
واقع : Event : something that happens at a given place and time. "The assassination of Benazir Bhutto was a great event, there was a chaos everywhere".
روانگی کا عمل : Departure : the act of departing. "Leaving so soon?".
واقع ہونا : Come About : come to pass. "It has happened as feared".
معلومات : Information : knowledge acquired through study or experience or instruction. "Get information from there".
عوامی : Public : not private; open to or concerning the people as a whole. "The public good".
بیان : Statement : a message that is stated or declared; a communication (oral or written) setting forth particulars or facts etc. "According to his statement he was in London on that day".