معقول : Maqool Meaning in English
Maqool Synonyms
Maqool in Detail
1 of 13) مناسب معقول : Apposite Apt Pertinent : (satellite adjective) being of striking appropriateness and pertinence.
2 of 13) مناسب معقول : Fair Fairish Reasonable : (satellite adjective) not excessive or extreme.
5 of 13) معقول شدت کے ساتھ : Priggish Prim Prissy Prudish Puritanical Square-Toed Straight-Laced Straightlaced Strait-Laced Straitlaced Tight-Laced Victorian : (satellite adjective) exaggeratedly proper.
6 of 13) معقول : Adequate Equal : (adjective) having the requisite qualities or resources to meet a task.
7 of 13) دماغی طور پر متوازن معقول : Healthy Intelligent Level-Headed Levelheaded Sound : (satellite adjective) exercising or showing good judgment.
8 of 13) معقول : Decent Nice : (satellite adjective) socially or conventionally right; refined or virtuous.
9 of 13) مناسب معقول مہذب : Becoming Comely Comme Il Faut Decent Decorous Seemly : (satellite adjective) according with custom or propriety.
10 of 13) دانا معقول : Prude Puritan : (noun) a person excessively concerned about propriety and decorum.
12 of 13) تسلسل منطقی معقول : Coherent Consistent Logical Ordered : (adjective) marked by an orderly, logical, and aesthetically consistent relation of parts.
13 of 13) معقول : Decorous : (adjective) characterized by propriety and dignity and good taste in manners and conduct.
Useful Words
مناسبت : Appropriateness : appropriate conduct; doing the right thing.
ناجائز کی حد تک : Excessive : beyond normal limits. "Excessive charges of oil".
نہایت : Extreme : of the greatest possible degree or extent or intensity. "Extreme cold".
نہیں : Non : negation of a word or group of words. "Will not go like that".
مطابقت : Applicability : relevance by virtue of being applicable to the matter at hand. "Applicability of zakat".
دلکش : Dramatic : sensational in appearance or thrilling in effect. "A spectacular scenery".