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مرض کا پتا لگانا : Marz Ka Pata Lagana Meaning in English

Marz Ka Pata Lagana in Detail

1) مرض کی تشخیص کرنا مرض کا پتا لگانا : Diagnose Name : (verb) determine or distinguish the nature of a problem or an illness through a diagnostic analysis.


Useful Words

تعین کرنا : Ascertain : establish after a calculation, investigation, experiment, survey, or study. "He is such a sniper that he can determine the target from a long distance".

تفریق کرنا : Differentiate : mark as different. "You are not competent enough to distinguish between an upright and clever guy".

مرض : Illness : impairment of normal physiological function affecting part or all of an organism.

عادت : Nature : the complex of emotional and intellectual attributes that determine a person`s characteristic actions and reactions. "He is bound to his nature".

مسئلہ : Job : a state of difficulty that needs to be resolved. "He had memory loss problem".

شروع سے آخر تک : Through : from beginning to end. "Read this story through".

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