مَسخرے جیسا عمل : Maskharay Jesa Amal Meaning in English
Maskharay Jesa Amal in Detail
1) مسخرے جیسا عمل : Antic Clown Clown Around : (verb) act as or like a clown.
Useful Words
میٹر کا دس ارب واں حصہ : A : a metric unit of length equal to one ten billionth of a meter (or 0.0001 micron); used to specify wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation.
کام : Act : something that people do or cause to happen. "Whose act is this?".
بیوقوف : Buffoon : a rude or vulgar fool.
پسند کرنا : Like : be fond of. "There is no one else like me".