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Maxim meaning in Urdu

Maxim Synonyms


Maxim Definitions

1 of 2) Maxim, Axiom : کہاوت, قول : (noun) a saying that is widely accepted on its own merits.

2 of 2) Maxim, Sir Hiram Stevens Maxim : مشین گن ایجاد کرنے والا : (noun) English inventor (born in the United States) who invented the Maxim gun that was used in World War I (1840-1916).

Useful Words

Popularity : مقبولیت , Family Funkaceae : سبز پیلا پودا , Posit : ماننا , Acknowledged : مانا ہوا , Permissible : قابل اجازت , Conventional : روایتی , Decertify : توثیق واپس لینا , Acceptance : قبولیت , Acceptation : تسلیم شدہ مطلب , Aberrant : گمراہ کن , Custom : رسم , Abidance : مطابقت , Errant : بگڑا ہوا , Orthodox : تقلید پسند , Except : چھوڑ دینا , Constituted : مانا ہوا , Doubter : شکی , Theorem : کلیہ , Assumptive : مفروضاتی , Unconventional : غیر روایتی , Illegal : غیر قانونی , Breeding : پرورش , Acceptance : یقین , Devious : ٹیڑھا , Dissident : عقیدے سے انحرافی , Immoral : غیر اخلاقی , Legal : قانونی , Indecent : نامناسب , Niceness : شائستگی , Righteous : متقی , Unit : اکائی

Useful Words Definitions

Popularity: the quality of being widely admired or accepted or sought after.

Family Funkaceae: one of many families or subfamilies into which some classification systems subdivide the Liliaceae but not widely accepted; includes genus Hosta.

Posit: take as a given; assume as a postulate or axiom.

Acknowledged: generally accepted.

Permissible: that may be accepted or conceded.

Conventional: following accepted customs and proprieties.

Decertify: cause to be no longer approved or accepted.

Acceptance: the state of being acceptable and accepted.

Acceptation: the accepted meaning of a word.

Aberrant: markedly different from an accepted norm.

Custom: accepted or habitual practice.

Abidance: acting according to certain accepted standards.

Errant: straying from the right course or from accepted standards.

Orthodox: adhering to what is commonly accepted.

Except: prevent from being included or considered or accepted.

Constituted: brought about or set up or accepted; especially long established.

Doubter: someone who habitually doubts accepted beliefs.

Theorem: an idea accepted as a demonstrable truth.

Assumptive: accepted as real or true without proof.

Unconventional: not conforming to accepted rules or standards.

Illegal: prohibited by law or by official or accepted rules.

Breeding: helping someone grow up to be an accepted member of the community.

Acceptance: the mental attitude that something is believable and should be accepted as true.

Devious: indirect in departing from the accepted or proper way; misleading.

Dissident: characterized by departure from accepted beliefs or standards.

Immoral: deliberately violating accepted principles of right and wrong.

Legal: established by or founded upon law or official or accepted rules.

Indecent: not in keeping with accepted standards of what is right or proper in polite society.

Niceness: a courteous manner that respects accepted social usage.

Righteous: characterized by or proceeding from accepted standards of morality or justice.

Unit: any division of quantity accepted as a standard of measurement or exchange.

Related Words

Expression : کہاوت , Aphorism : قول زریں , Gnome : قول زریں , Artificer : موجد

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